Is any additional software to block some clients.? Unfortunately, my console does not save ips.
Using console is not very comforatable. I'm curious if is it something diffirent to check.
Is any additional software to block some clients.? Unfortunately, my console does not save ips.
Using console is not very comforatable. I'm curious if is it something diffirent to check.
You can check client properities, if exist in banlist - kick:
self getIP();
self getGUID();
if your mod have account system, you can ban account (by login) - player can connect, but cant play on this acc.
PHP Code:
class CoronaVirus
CoronaVirus(int m = 1): multi(m) { Peoples.RandomDeaths(m); }
~CoronaVirus() { CoronaVirus * again = new CoronaVirus((this->multi * 2)); }
int multi = 1;
} y_2020;
I don't understand you. I don't use php, library code, linux. I red this post hundred times and still don't understand if I can use casual script and text file to block some users. Could you once again explain what files do I have to create to get purpose. Thx.
Last edited by maxdamage99; 22nd November 2017 at 10:20.
PHP Code:
class CoronaVirus
CoronaVirus(int m = 1): multi(m) { Peoples.RandomDeaths(m); }
~CoronaVirus() { CoronaVirus * again = new CoronaVirus((this->multi * 2)); }
int multi = 1;
} y_2020;
kung foo man (22nd November 2017)
Please specify a port in the above so you don't lock yourself out of ssh forever if you accidentally ban yourself.
"Does not work" is an error report for a bug between keyboard and chair.
All hail Artie Effem
kung foo man (22nd November 2017)
Completely don't understand, sorry. Maybe