Recently I wanted to know how to read client cvars to increase the value of com_maxfps of the players on my server, if set to default.
I heard it's not possible if the player use the default client executable file.
But I think I heard that some people know how to do it even if player uses the default client, so I'm afraid that a server owner reads my rconPassword cvar. So now I will clear this cvar before joining someone's server.
Could you confirm that someone ever proved that he was able to read default client cvars on CoD 1.1 without making it to download something?
I was going to ask you if you can know if a server would be able to do it, for example to check before joining if it has downloading/fs_game enabled
But I guess the server could enable that when the player is already on it... (without getting him to get disconnected?)
Would the server need to make the client to download something to read the cvars?
Do you know how to prevent my client cvars from being read by a server?