Using ubuntu 64bit, I followed that tutorial

I complie libcod

root@borisc:~/libcod# ./ cod2_1_0

Choose Your MySQL variant:

	0. MySQL disabled. (default)

	1. Default MySQL variant: A classic MySQL implentation
	made by kung and izno.
	Multiple connections, multiple threads,
	good for servers that use
	remote MySQL sessions, IRC stuff, and etc.

	2. VoroN's MySQL variant. My own MySQL implentation.
	Native callbacks, native arguments,
	single connection, single thread,
	good for local MySQL session,
	less cpu usage, less memory usage.

	Press a key to continue...
##### COMPILE cod2_1_0 CRACKING.CPP #####
##### COMPILE cod2_1_0 GSC.CPP #####
##### COMPILE cod2_1_0 GSC_BOTS.CPP #####
##### COMPILE cod2_1_0 GSC_ENTITY.CPP #####
##### COMPILE cod2_1_0 GSC_EXEC.CPP #####
##### COMPILE cod2_1_0 GSC_MEMORY.CPP #####
##### COMPILE cod2_1_0 GSC_MYSQL.CPP #####
##### COMPILE cod2_1_0 GSC_PLAYER.CPP #####
##### WARNING: SQLite lib not found, SQLite compilation skipped #####
##### COMPILE cod2_1_0 GSC_UTILS.CPP #####
##### COMPILE cod2_1_0 GSC_WEAPONS.CPP #####
##### COMPILE cod2_1_0 LIBCOD.CPP #####
##### LINKING #####

/root/_bin/cod2/cod2_lnxded_1_0a: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory