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  1. #1
    Private First Class G-Stuff002's Avatar
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    Finally, the Allweapons mod is over, many thanks to Tally for the great help, but left only one script which is not enough for full complete. This is tellermine planting.


    1. Add the script to the right mouse button in weapon p38, on the pistols menu. (Please look at the picture) I created another picture and already added it to mod

    2. Mines planting do not take any amount of grenades like in other mods. Restriction on quantity set to 10 (cartridge) planting

    3. Not necessary but.. Defuse the mines can only those who chose pistol p38. It will be like a class of miner.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	weapon_p38.png 
Views:	81 
Size:	75.7 KB 
ID:	1463

    Now the most difficult

    Here i tried to make the 'standalone' version from 'Demon Mod' by Tally. {Great mod, if it is possible use some scripts that was be good}

    Complete all needed files:

    ..and after then embed/compile into allweapons mod

    This is very complex and difficult script i can not make out. I try all day to understand but I get constantly "compile error"
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	compile error.JPG 
Views:	76 
Size:	7.0 KB 
ID:	1465
    Last edited by G-Stuff002; 10th March 2018 at 10:17.

  2. #2
    Private First Class G-Stuff002's Avatar
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    I found the similarly script for mines in Forum 'Working Scripts Collection' but I do not know what he does

    self endon("disconnected");
    self endon("minaDown");
    self endon("spawned");

    name =;

    trace = bulletTrace(self.origin + (0, 0, 40), self.origin + (0, 0, -3000), false, undefined);
    self.mine["mine"] = spawn("script_model", self.origin + (0, 0, 1));
    self.mine["mine"] setModel("xmodel/bx_zombie_mine");
    self.mine["cankill"] = true;
    self.mine["trig"] = false;
    dist = distance(self.mine["mine"].origin, trace["position"]);
    time = (dist / level.zom["mine_speed"]);

    if (dist <= 128) {
    self.mine["mine"].origin = trace["position"];
    angle = self.mine["mine"] maps\mp\_utility::getPlant();
    self.mine["mine"].angles = angle.angles;
    self.mine["mine"] playSound("stickybomb_plant");
    wait 0.1;
    while (self.mine["cankill"]) {
    if (!isalive(self)) {
    if (isdefined(self.mine["mine"])) self.mine["mine"] delete();
    self notify("minaDown");
    players = getentarray("player", "classname");
    for (i = 0; i < players.size; i++) {
    if (isDefined(players[i].pers["team"]) && players[i].pers["team"] == "axis" && players[i].sessionstate == "playing" && !players[i].spawnprotected && !players[i].trigmine && players[i] != self) {
    if (isDefined(self.mine["mine"]) && distance(players[i].origin, self.mine["mine"].origin) < 32 && !players[i].spawnprotected && !self.mine["trig"]) {
    players[i] playsound("minefield_click");
    players[i].trigmine = true;
    self.mine["trig"] = true;
    self.mine["mine"] movez(52, 0.2);
    wait 0.2;
    players[i].trigmine = false;
    self.mine["cankill"] = false;
    self.mine["mine"] playsound("explo_mine");
    playfx(level._effect["nuki"], self.mine["mine"].origin);
    self thread killArround();
    self.mine["mine"] delete();
    wait 0.05;

    wait 0.01;
    self endon("spawned");
    self endon("disconnected");
    self endon("player_killed");
    self endon("disconnect");
    self endon("death");
    self endon("joined_spectators");

    players = getentarray("player", "classname");
    for (i = 0; i < players.size; i++) {
    if (isDefined(players[i].pers["team"]) && players[i].pers["team"] == "axis" && players[i].sessionstate == "playing" && !players[i].spawnprotected) {
    if (distancesquared(players[i].origin, self.mine["mine"].origin) < 25000 && !players[i].spawnprotected) {
    finishPlayerDamage = bulletTrace(players[i] getEye(), self.mine["mine"].origin + (0, 0, 10), false, undefined);
    if (finishPlayerDamage["fraction"] == 1)

    players[i] playSound("zom_mine_kill");

    damage1 = players[i].health + 10;
    dir = vectortoangles(self.mine["mine"].origin - players[i].origin);
    dir = ((dir[0] / 360), (dir[1] / 360), (dir[2] / 360));
    ](self, self, damage1, 1, "MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH", "mine_mp", self.mine["mine"].origin, dir, "none", 3);
    Here is Mine script.

  3. #3
    Private First Class G-Stuff002's Avatar
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    I found too the same in Merciless Mod 2 V3.4 Public Beta, in this mod give to drop Landmine just with the choice of weapons, i will try to find a script and can combine

  4. #4
    Private First Class G-Stuff002's Avatar
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    I do not understand the landmines responsible for the function of tellermine.. zzz_tellermine2.iwd but then it does not work, everything is messed up

    made the whole bunch and get an error 'unknow function'
    Last edited by G-Stuff002; 10th March 2018 at 08:36.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Stuff002 View Post
    I do not understand the landmines responsible for the function of tellermine.. zzz_tellermine2.iwd but then it does not work, everything is messed up

    made the whole bunch and get an error 'unknow function'
    I don't have time this weekend to do any modding (it's a time for family and the Lord), but you would be better off finding worm's Power Server mod, and taking his landmine code out, than trying to do a stand-alone version of my landmine code.

    Also, when modding, enable error logging on your server:

     set logfile 2
    This will produce a log file named console_mp.log. Open it with a text editor, and look for the error. It will tell you which file is causing the error, and more specifically, which line in the file. You can then take measures to fix it.

    Also, get a good programmers editor, so you can open a file and jump to a specific line. I have used the free programmers notepad for over 15 years. Just open the file, and press "G" on the keyboard. Then, type in the line number and hit enter. You will jump straight to the place causing the error.

  6. #6
    Private First Class G-Stuff002's Avatar
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    Thanks! but your code is better than all the rest. I've already reviewed everything I can

    I try use programmers editor, but nothing helped me. This is the most difficult task.
    because it need to rewrite the code to assign a second mouse button for implementation planting tellermine and set restriction on quantity to 10 (cartridge) planting

    I started compile as stand-alone for after then export to allweapons mod, but this is not an achievable task for me,
    i can not do it myself.

    Can i upload the mod for you?
    Last edited by G-Stuff002; 13th March 2018 at 06:48.

  7. #7
    Private First Class G-Stuff002's Avatar
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    Please help someone to finish up, want to make to excellent this mod
    Last edited by G-Stuff002; 13th March 2018 at 22:35.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to G-Stuff002 For This Useful Post:

    kubislav23 (14th March 2018)

  9. #8
    Assadministrator IzNoGoD's Avatar
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    You don't need help FINISHING the mod, you need someone to code the thing from scratch. Just like with "your" past 3 mods, which have all been coded and packed by Tally. All you did was put the iwd files in the same folder (probably not even an fs_game).

    Please either learn how to code, or hire someone to do it for you.
    "Does not work" is an error report for a bug between keyboard and chair.

    All hail Artie Effem

  10. #9
    Private First Class G-Stuff002's Avatar
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    I do a lot of things but manage of the code I do not understand. I'm trying to figure out the days, but the coding is complicated for me. Thanks to Tally for help.

    (to code the thing from scratch) - no, just transfer/edit

    (Just like with "your" past 3 mods) - that is all for one mod, addition

    (or hire someone to do it for you)

    I'm from Ukraine, my money for your country is penny..
    Last edited by G-Stuff002; 13th March 2018 at 23:31.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to G-Stuff002 For This Useful Post:

    kubislav23 (14th March 2018)

  12. #10
    Brigadier General
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Stuff002 View Post
    I do a lot of things but manage of the code I do not understand. I'm trying to figure out the days, but the coding is complicated for me. Thanks to Tally for help.

    (to code the thing from scratch) - no, just transfer/edit

    (Just like with "your" past 3 mods) - that is all for one mod, addition

    (or hire someone to do it for you)

    I'm from Ukraine, my money for your country is penny..
    I don't have time right now, as I'm very busy with work. But I will take a look at putting in my landmine script for you at the weekend.

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to Tally For This Useful Post:

    kubislav23 (14th March 2018)

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