Building upon available digital content only makes sense in the digital space, at least as far as the discussion between just vs lawful things is ignored, and yes I am suggesting that it is just to do that even though it might be unlawful and feel like it's damaging yours or others property. Yes the fear of damaging a business is fully justified but not just, in the bigger picture it only goes to show that businesses that grow will do anything to prevent possible competition and make as much profit as possible without regard for basic human morales.

In a theoretical shareware world, we would have far better competition, far better end product and far better everything honestly, only drawback would be that tech companies wouldn't be able to grow as big as they are now, instead they would have to depend on collaboration, the ultimate way to go, I know this might not be in line with many peoples views but that is where the world is going to eventually progress to, hopefully xD