HI i have conflict with sprint and the gun when i die runing it drops the running wepon instead of that i want to drop the real weapon
i want to remove this from dropping iwx_sprint_mp and drop the gun switched with this one iwx_sprint_mp

current = self getcurrentweapon();
if(current != "none")
weapon1 = self getweaponslotweapon("primary");
weapon2 = self getweaponslotweapon("primaryb");

if(current == weapon1)
currentslot = "primary";
assert(current == weapon2);
currentslot = "primaryb";

clipsize = self getweaponslotclipammo(currentslot);
reservesize = self getweaponslotammo(currentslot);

if(clipsize || reservesize)
self dropItem(current);

current = self getcurrentoffhand();
if(current != "none")
ammosize = self getammocount(current);

self dropItem(current);