How would I make a bouncing betty not affect people who are crouched or proned under it when it goes into the air and explodes?

betty_think( betty, trigger )
	self endon( "spawned_player" );
	self endon( "disconnect" );
	jumpHeight = RandomIntRange( 68, 78 );
	jumptrigger = spawn( "trigger_radius", betty.origin+(0,0,0-level.bettyDetectionRadius), 0, level.bettyDetectionRadius, level.bettyDetectionRadius*2 );
		jumptrigger waittill( "trigger", user );
		if( isDefined(user) && isPlayer(user) )
			if( user.pers["team"] == self.pers["team"] )

	betty playSound( "weap_betty_click" ); 	
    // jump
	betty MoveTo( betty.origin+(0,0,jumpHeight), 0.6 );
	betty playSound( "weap_betty_spin" ); 	
	betty rotateYaw( 1440, 0.6, 0.1 );
	betty waittill( "movedone" );
	// explosion
	playfx( level._effect["mine_explosion"], betty.origin );
	radiusDamage( betty.origin, 200, 200, 50, self ); 
	betty playSound( "rocket_explode_default" );
	betty delete();
	jumptrigger delete();
	trigger delete();
'' radiusDamage( betty.origin, 200, 200, 50, self ); '' is the affected radius, which is literally anywhere in it's circular radius, how would I make the affected radius only affect people above the betty when it goes into the air and explodes?