It was right in front of me this whole time...

shouldAffectClaymore( claymore )
	pos = self.origin + (0,0,32);
	dirToPos = pos - claymore.origin;
	claymoreForward = anglesToForward( claymore.angles );
	dist = vectorDot( dirToPos, claymoreForward );
	if ( dist < level.claymoreDetectionMinDist )
		return false;
	dirToPos = vectornormalize( dirToPos );
	dot = vectorDot( dirToPos, claymoreForward );
	return ( dot > level.claymoreDetectionDot );
Im using part of cod4's claymore script for the betty to detect movement, the betty was taking dirtopos in this case, as the thrower's direction to it's position and not letting it explode without the thrower looking at it, thanks for the help guys.