Quote Originally Posted by Tally View Post
You can theoretically precache 1000 xmodels, but you will likely crash the server with the index-model overflow error before you get there, because maps have models in them to start with.

What type of animations are you trying to run? First-person ones? Or world animations?

For world animations, you can force an animation on a player or bot by putting the animation in a weapon file, and forcing the weapon on the player/bot. This is how Meatbot and Pezbot make the bots run, climb, throw a grenade, or shoot. This is very advanced stuff, and you are likely to need someone with experience to do it for you.

For first-person animations, you are pretty much stuck with having to create xanims and put them in a weapon file. Again, you force the weapon on a player/bot, and play the xanim.
World animations. I wrote a mod which like Black Ops Zombie bot mod. The zombies are script models with hitbox, and climb into the house where the players are playing. Unfortunatelly, the zombies moving and attacking are 50-60 xmodels, and the climbing is 30. But it would be lot nicer and detailed if I can play anim on them and not need a lot of xmodel...