So i'm having a small issue, in the _weapons.gsc I added a little line that calls a seperate script gsc that allows the player to pick up frag grenades, this is called from watchthrowbacks and should allow the player to pick up files starting with throwingknife_ (throwingknife_mp is just an edited frag_grenade_mp, same weapontype and playeranimtype etc)

prepareTKPickup( owner )									// self = Throwingknife
	// self endon( "death" );
	self waitTillNotMoving();
	trigger = spawn( "trigger_radius", self.origin-(0,0,32), 0, 32, 64 );
		trigger waittill( "trigger", user );
		if( user canUse( user ) )
			user.lowerMessage SetText( &"MPUI_PRESS_USE_TO_PICK_TK" );
			user.lowerMessage.alpha = 1;
			user.lowerMessage FadeOverTime( 0.05 );
			user.lowerMessage.alpha = 0;

		if( user usebuttonpressed() )
			if( user == owner )
				if( self deleteTK() )
					tkammo = user getammocount( "throwingknife_mp" );
					user setWeaponAmmoOverall( "throwingknife_mp", tkammo+1 );
				return false;
The code works although there's an issue, this waittillnotmoving() spawns the pickup trigger radius directly under the player, instead of wherever the idle knife lands, i'm pretty sure this is because, until the first person animation actually throws the throwingknife, the grenade throwing 3rd person animation will keep the throwingknife idle on the player and as it's idle, that is where the trigger radius is forced to spawn, I tried this with C4, C4 has it's own after-thrown, idle waittill, which is ( "activated" ) to tell the script it has landed and is idle on a surface, to which the script spawns the trigger radius around the c4 pack, I needed to know if there was a waittill for frag grenades - types so the script can waittill the throwingknife is actually idle on the ground and spawn the trigger radius instead of spawning the trigger radius when it's idle on the players body...

something like waittill ( "landedonground" ) not that but you get the idea,