This is still not working.

Even with a sleep between creating the screen and going in the screen.

screen -AmdS hjsd
sleep 1
screen -x hjsd
cd /home/olger/HIGHJUMP/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/olger/HIGHJUMP" 
export LD_PRELOAD="/home/olger/HIGHJUMP/ /home/olger/HIGHJUMP/ /home/olger/HIGHJUMP/"
./cod2_lnxded_1_0a_va_loc_128 +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set net_port 28958 +set sv_maxclients 52 +exec serversd.cfg + exec pws.cfg +set fs_game sd2 + set sv_cracked 1 + set logfile 2
So this is what happens:
Screen is created, wait 1 second, I go inside the screen. Nothing happens now. I detach the screen (going to "main" window in putty), server starts