When I open the menu for the first time and select perk1, I see the warn message inside the menu and as iprintln
WARNING: Non-localized Game Message string is not allowed to have letters in it. Must be changed over to a localized string: "Response: perk1/nWarn: Select perk1: 1 , Selected: 1"
Then I select perk1 again, so it must deselect. I see the warning in the menu again and as iprintln.
WARNING: Non-localized Game Message string is not allowed to have letters in it. Must be changed over to a localized string: "Response: perk1/nWarn: Deselect perk1: 0 , Selected: 0"
I close the menu and reopen it. I select perk1 again, but no warn message inside the menu is showed. Only iprintln
WARNING: Non-localized Game Message string is not allowed to have letters in it. Must be changed over to a localized string: "Response: perk1/nWarn: Select perk1: 1 , Selected: 1"
I click on perk1 again to deselect it. Again no warn message inside the menu, but the iprintln is working correctly
WARNING: Non-localized Game Message string is not allowed to have letters in it. Must be changed over to a localized string: "Response: perk1/nWarn: Deselect perk1: 0 , Selected: 0"
Tested with developer 1