Quote Originally Posted by Ni3ls View Post
I already got the menu with the right dvars.
					self setclientcvar("killstreak_1", "value");
					self setclientcvar("killstreak_2", "value");
					self setclientcvar("killstreak_3", "value");
killstreak_1 is for the first box and must have value 1 if killstreak 1 is chosen , value 2 if killstreak 2 is chosen. Killstreak_2 is for box 2 etc. Same for the other boxes.
the values of the killstreaks are killstreak1, killstreak2, etc
Yeah, we get that bit, but like Izno says, it is unclear exactly what you want. You say the player selects the killstreaks, then you say they automatically set themselves when the player reaches the right value. So, you need to clarify what you are trying to do.

I did all this for a COD4 mod where I replicated Black Ops 1 killstreak selection. I had a ton of menu itemdef that represented the selections the player made. Then, when they were fighting and got the right amount of kills, the killstreak that was selected for that value became live and they could call it in. You need to clarify if this is what you are trying to achieve.