Hi again,

This is the main bug in the gunship script I'm editing right now.
The model is spawned, but if the player changes team / disconnects, the model doesn't get deleted.

The code here is not complete, but I just need to know why this doesn't work.

	level._ac_model linkTo(self._ac);
	level._ac_model setmodel("xmodel/vehicle_condor");
	level._ac_model.gunner = self;

	level thread ac_monitor(self);

	while((isDefined(level._ac_model.gunner))&&(gunner.pers["usinggunship"] == 1))
		wait 0.3;
		iprintlnbold("in loop");

		level._ac_model destroy();
		iprintlnbold("destroyed by monitor");
The result is, I can read the "in loop" text while using the gunship, and, after I leave it (using /kill or changing team to spec), I read "destroyed by monitor", but the gunship does not get destroyed.