
I need help with an error.
I try to place a burning oillamp(idk how its called) in my map from cod2 by using misc_prefab/lamp/lantern_lit.map.
After i compile the map and test it i get this error:

******* script runtime error *******
undefined is not an array, string, or vector: (file 'maps/mp/_load.gsc', line 113)
if (!isdefined(level._effect["lantern_light"]))
called from:
(file 'maps/mp/_load.gsc', line 12)
lanterns[i] thread lanterns();
called from:
(file 'maps/mp/mp_zombiecastle.gsc', line 3)
started from:
(file 'maps/mp/mp_zombiecastle.gsc', line 1)

Never had this error, so idk what to do^^

It would be great if you guys would help me