Hello Guys!

I want to preache a string, what is defined as a variable for a text.
I have got there problems and that won't be precached.

As first I call the thread where the text will be showed:

Then I wrote the function:

	self.texthud = newHudElem();
	self.texthud.alignx = "center";
	self.texthud.aligny = "middle";
	self.texthud.x = 320;
	self.texthud.y = 240; 
	self.texthud.fontscale = 2.0;
	self.texthud.alpha = 0;
	self.texthud setText(text); // HERE THE TEXT WHAT IS AS A VARIABLE DEFINED

	//self iprintlnbold("text spawned");
But if I want to precache it on my script (called from startGametype()) then it just won't show the text:

	precacheString(text); //here is the text undefined, so no idea how I can precache it perfect
I already looked up if the text bugs, but there is no problem

Can somebody help me please and say how I can precache the variable (text)?