Hello Guys, I want to play a fx, which should be not show the same for the teams.
Like if I am in allies, then my team (which are too allies) should show friendly fx, and if axis see the fx, then should they see it in red.
I prepared the FX, but I don't know if it's possible with the script.
I tried it, but I failed. Somebody said me it works with the showTo, but the script error said that it's an unknown function.

Here is the script what I tried:
	level._effect["carepackage_friendly"] = loadfx ("fx/carepackage/carepackage_friendly.efx");
	level._effect["carepackage_enemy"] = loadfx ("fx/carepackage/carepackage_enemy.efx");

			players = getentarray("player", "classname");
    			for (i = 0; i<players.size; i++)
				if(self.pers["team"] == "allies" && players.pers["team"] == "allies")
					maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("carepackage_friendly", self.origin) showTo(players.pers["allies"]);
				else if(self.pers["team"] == "allies" && players.pers["team"] == "axis")
					maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("carepackage_enemy", self.origin) showTo(players.pers["axis"]);
				else if(self.pers["team"] == "axis" && players.pers["team"] == "axis")
					maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("carepackage_friendly", self.origin) showTo(players.pers["axis"]);
				else if(self.pers["team"] == "axis" && players.pers["team"] == "allies")
					maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("carepackage_enemy", self.origin) showTo(players.pers["allies"]);
Is it maybe possible what I want to do?

Would be very very nice if it's possible