First of all it's Punkbuster detected
Open up CoD2MP_s.exe in a text editor (preferably Notepad++)
Replace the pattern under here COPY EVERYTHING INBETWEEN THE QUOTES!

"Pjè*«ÿÿ‹F‹NPŠFQWè¿÷ÿÿƒÄ„À„dÿÿÿƒýt "

If you can't find the pattern above in the file then your COD2 Patch isn't supported.

With this


Basically replace the tab(s) after the t with | in this pattern

00037118 Pjè*«ÿÿ‹F‹NPŠFQWè¿÷ÿÿƒÄ„À„
00037138 dÿÿÿƒýt.ƒý…¸...f‹F¨@t‹Rhì‚

Stuff you can try out
/bind ALT toggle r_drawworld
r_showtris 1
cg_thirdperson 1

Confirmed working on patch 1.2 & 1.3