Hello! You have to set here your error too! You can find the error in console_mp.log if you are testing on your computer.
Without an error I can say nothing, maybe the mistake is not here and on GAMETYPE.gsc.
But I see here aren't the strings preached. Precache the strings on GAMETYPE.gsc in Callback_StartGameType().
Precache the strings under the other things which are precached.

	precacheStatusIcon("hud_status_dead");                            // Default precached
	precacheStatusIcon("hud_status_connecting");                   // Default precached
	precacheRumble("damage_heavy");                                   // Default precached
	precacheString(&"PLATFORM_PRESS_TO_SPAWN");             // Default precached
        precacheString(&"Killstreak : ");                                      // Your preached string
        precacheString(&"Total Kills : ");                                      // Your preached string
        precacheString(&"Total Bashs : ");                                      // Your preached string
        precacheString(&"Total Headshots : ");                                      // Your preached string
        precacheString(&"Total Deaths : ");                                      // Your preached string
If you have got already precached the strings, please write your error.