Call of Duty 2 will die 50% i think.
Or we must wait a long to be get fixed.

I said:

Hello Activision, since Saturday i think we can't play on Call of Duty 2 Multiplayer. I just refreshed the list and there wasn't a Server on the list.

I just waited then all said that they can't play too now on Call of Duty 2 Multiplayer.

You only can connect with console ( /connect IP ) on Servers.
We all owners of Servers have problem, all can hack on all Servers and we can't ban them (GUID = 0).

Please answer back, we want to know when the Call of Duty 2 Masterserver will come.

Thank you
Activision answered:
Hello Rashed,
Thanks for taking the time to post on our support page. We are currently looking into the down servers, and do not have any further updates at this moment. Should you see a change in status, please let us know! ^JG
Let's hope that Masterserver will be fixed!