Quote Originally Posted by kung foo man View Post
CEO: "We're best in business!"

No dedi-severs, no mod-tools, kthxbye
They still haven't said if Ghosts will support dedicated servers. Given that Microsoft are pushing their Azure cloud for the XBone, it is still a possibility. Perhaps they haven't announced it because they are still trying to secure player slots on the Azure cloud.

Not that I really care, as I feel it is time to leave the COD franchise now. I've waiting for the release of TitanFall, which does use dedicated servers for both console and PC. TitanFall won 20 awards at E3 this year, including "most innovative game", "best multiplayer" and "best of show".

TitanFall uses a heavily modified Source engine, no more .BSP for mapping, and no DX9 (only DX11). It releases early next year (April is the rumoured release date) for XBone, Xbox 360 (being handled by a out-sourced studio), and PC only (no PS3 or PS4 support).

This is the gameplay video they debutted with at E3:
