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Thread: Accessing Entity-Keys in CODscript

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  1. #1
    Global Mossaderator Mitch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Thanked 450 Times in 305 Posts
    Try using one of these keys:

    // syntax:
    // float floatVar
    // int intVar
    // string stringVar
    vector	origin
    vector	angles
    float	script_wait				// Used on patrol nodes to make patrollers wait the specified amount before continuing>>>>>>> 1.58
    float	script_additive_delay	// Additive delay is the # of seconds extra a flood_spawner will wait for each additional spawning. Defaults to 1 second.
    float	script_delay			// Used as a substitute for delay_min/max.
    float	script_delay_min 		// Minimum time for a guy to spawn, if this is on an mg42 then its minimum time between bursts
    float	script_delay_max 		// Maximum time for a guy to spawn, if this is on an mg42 then its maximum time between bursts
    float	script_burst_min 		// Put on an mg42, min time of a burst
    float	script_burst_max 		// Put on an mg42, max time of a burst
    float	script_turret_reuse_min // Minimum time before a new AI will use this turret.
    float	script_turret_reuse_max // Maximum time before a new AI will use this turret.
    float	delay
    float	script_prespawn_delay	// A flood spawner will wait this long before the guy spawns
    float	script_accuracy
    float	script_accuracyStationaryMod
    float	script_suppression		// Suppression wait for this AI
    float	script_firefxdelay		// repetition rate on a firefx for exploders
    float	script_firefxtimeout	// Amount of time before a looping effect fades out
    float	height
    float	script_falldirection	// Used to specify the direction a treeburst tree trunk falls towards
    float	script_timeout
    float	script_timescale		// used to set timescale in credits
    int	script_repeat			// # of times an effect in an exploder will repeat
    int	script_health
    int	script_health_easy
    int	script_ignoreme			// If this setting exists on a spawner this guy will have his .ignoreme set to true
    int	script_fxstart			// Identifies effects so they can be turned on by grouping with a trigger
    int	script_fxstop			// Identifies effects so they can be turned off by grouping with a trigger
    int	script_delete
    int	script_increment
    int	script_patroller
    int	script_offtime			// Number of milliseconds before guys get off a flak when you hit the off-trigger, defaults to 20000
    int	script_offradius		// Guys get off a flak if a player gets this close to a flak after hitting the off-trigger, default 350
    int	script_autosave
    string	script_autosavename
    int	count
    int	script_timer			// Timeout for friendly_chat
    int	script_delayed_playerseek
    int	script_triggered_playerseek	//group a trigger and an ai with this and he the grouped ai will do playerseek behaviour when the trigger is hit
    int	script_playerseek
    int	script_seekgoal
    int	radius
    int	script_start
    int	script_radius			// Sets an AI's starting goal radius. On an exploder this sets the radius damage's radius.
    int	script_followmin
    int	script_followmax
    int	script_startinghealth
    int	script_fallback
    int	script_grenades
    int	script_fightdist		// Spawners will spawn with this fightdist (allows LD to change how aggresively they attack distant targets)
    int	script_maxdist			// Spawners will spawn with this maxdist (allows LD to change how far down their path AI will look for enemies)
    int	script_moveoverride 	// Spawners with this will go to their (targetted) node before fighting.
    int	script_killspawner 		// When you go through a trigger with this on it, any spawners that have the same # will be deleted.
    string	script_emptyspawner // When you go through a trigger with this on it, any spawners that have the same # will have their count set to 0.
    int	script_mg42auto			// When you hit this trigger any grouped mg42s will go into auto mode and clear target.
    int	script_turret
    int	script_min_friendlies	// The minimum # of friendlies required to be at a friendly_Chat trigger for the sequence to play.
    int	script_requires_player
    int	script_sightrange
    int	spawnflags
    int	script_fallback_group	// Makes stray spawned guys part of bigger falling back movements.
    int	script_vehiclegroup		// links a vehicle to its spawners
    int	script_exploder			// Grouping things that explode
    int	script_balcony			// current mechanism for flagging an actor to test for balcony death
    int	export
    int	script_mg42				// Group AI with a node that targets an mg42 and the AI will keep the gun in use.
    int	script_plane			// Specifies which plane set this is, so they can all be started together.
    int	script_explode			// Tells a plane to explode with this exploder.
    int	script_speed			// tank speed to go when battling an enemy tank
    int	dontdropweapon			// If set, the AI will not drop a weapon when he dies
    int	dontdrawoncompass		// If set, the AI will not be drawn on the player's compass. Only matters for friendlies
    int	script_noDeathMessage	// If set, this AI won't play a death message.
    int	script_order			// Preston: Used in ship to set suggested order bombs should be planted and radars destroyed. Determines next objective pointed to.
    int	script_usemg42			// If set to false, a friendly will not use be told by friendly_mg42 triggers to use an mg42.
    int	script_pacifist			// Set ai to pacifist
    int	script_parachutegroup	// Pathfinder parachuters
    int	script_damage			// Damage of radius damage on an exploder
    int	script_idnumber			// Generic identifier
    int	script_dawnville_fast	// Remove guys for dawnville on min spec
    int	script_fixbasepose		// Certain guys are being base pose for some reason so this triggers a script fix for them.
    int	script_shots			// used for tank triggers - specifies number of shots a tank will shoot at the selected target
    int	script_stoptoshoot		// used for tanks, setting this to greater than zero will make a tank stop before firing it's main cannon
    int	script_shoottanks		// used for auto flak88s
    int	script_shootAI			// used for auto flak88s
    int	script_startingposition		// used for riders of vehicles to manually designate riding postions (also used for walkers)
    int	script_turretmg
    int	script_mg42portable		// 
    int	script_bcdialog			// used with dialogue_thread() to stop reactivation of battlechatter for specific characters
    int	script_forcegrenade		// Set to 1 to enable AI to throw as many grenades as they want rather than extremely rarely.
    int	script_deathchain		// Used with nonlinear friendly chains
    int	script_baseoffire		// Set to true to make an escorting friendly not rejoin this friendlychain
    int	script_goalvolume		// groups guys so they use a goalvolume
    int	script_oldCorner		// 1 for old corner animations
    int script_stack			// for walls where friendlies hang out 
    int	script_nofriendlywave		// disables tracking of this ai for friendly_wave's
    int	script_forcegoal		// forces an AI to use the goal radius of the node they target, rather than switch to 2000 (for flood_and_secure spawners)
    int	script_disconnectpaths		// makes exploder script_brushes connectpaths when hidden and disconnect when shown. could be used to disable cover nodes.
    int	script_autotarget		// Makes an mg42 that targets script origins shoot at the origins when the operator has no enemy
    int	script_manualtarget		// Makes an mg42 that targets script origins shoot at the origins all the time
    int script_nowall			// make AI play a special set of corner animations that dont require a wall
    int script_longdeath		// set to 0 disable long death animations like lying on the ground and shooting
    int	script_displaceable		// makes an AI able to change his goal radius from animscript.
    int script_grenadespeed		// used for setting magic grenade launch speeds on script origins
    int script_maxspawn			// used on flood spawn trigger to regulate the max number of ai
    string	target
    string	targetname
    string	groupname
    string	name
    string	script_objective
    string	script_friendname
    string	script_noteworthy  	// Used to get a string for scripted sequences mainly.
    string	script_noteworthy2  	// Extra info when targetname and noteworthy are used up
    string	script_path			// Z: probably not used currently
    string	script_uniquename
    string	script_chain		// Identifies a friendly chain so you can turn it off with chain_on/chain_off.
    string	script_triggername	// Z: used for elevators in the dam
    string	script_kill_chain	// On triggering, this trigger will disable chains with a script_chain value equal to the trigger's script_kill_chain value
    string	script_hint
    string	script_fxcommand	// What to do with the effect
    string	script_fxid			// The id of the effect to do
    string	weaponinfo
    string	script_hidden		// the thing which is hidden and appears later (mortars)
    string	vehicletype
    string	script_personality	// This guy will use this personality type
    string  script_squadname	// squad (spawner cluster) identifier
    string	script_namenumber	// generic identifier
    string  script_commonname	// additional generic identifier
    string 	script_nodestate	// generic identifier for nodes
    string	script_assaultnode	// generic identifier for nodes
    string 	script_team			// how to know which team a tank is on (needed to free up target/targetname for radiant linkability)
    string 	script_mortargroup	// to group mortars with their triggers
    string	ambient				// String index of the level.ambient_track to play on this trigger.=======
    string	script_flaktype		// set to tank or air to tell the scripts which set of animations to play
    string	script_waittill		// set on a friendly_chat trigger to make it wait for an event before waitting for other requirements
    string	script_animation	// If defined, patrollers will play a random pause animation at this node.
    string	script_favoriteenemy	// used in burnville to set the second floor grenade throwing guy to have the player has his favorite enemy
    string	script_gameobjectname	// Preston: Used in multiplayer to identify entities which are deleted if not allowed by the gametype.
    string	script_objective_name	// Used in Retrieval multiplayer gamemode to specify an optional name for an objective.
    string	script_topfloor		// Z: used for elevators in the dam
    string	script_bottomfloor	// Z: used for elevators in the dam
    string	script_sound		// Plays level.scr_sound ["string"]
    string	script_animname		// Animname for a friendly to do a friendly chat thing
    string	script_firefx		// Fx to play infinitely from a used exploder
    string	script_earthquake	// References level.earthquake variables to do an earthquake
    string	script_presound		// To play sounds on exploders before the explosion, for pathfinder only
    string	script_ender		// Stop a looping effect
    string	script_firefxsound	// Looping sound for an exploder firefx
    string	script_enable		// Generic: used by loop_spawner to start/stop spawning of named targets
    string	script_disable		// Generic: used by loop_spawner to start/stop spawning of named targets
    string	script_kill			// Generic: used by loop_spawner to permanently stop spawning of named targets
    string	script_endonstring
    string	script_startnotify
    string	script_followmode
    string	script_flak88
    string	script_skilloverride
    string	script_bctrigger
    string	script_aigroup
    string	script_objective_active   // used with flood_and_Secure and "friendlychain"s to only be active if this objective 
    string	script_objective_inactive // is active
    string	script_podtype
    string	script_escape		// Spawners and ai grouped for escaping purposes (fleeing to new location upon depleted group strength)
    string	script_shareTarget	// Gives flankers the enemy of the spawners this is grouped with.
    string	script_flanker		// Marks a spawner as a flanker
    string	script_squad		// Group spawners/ai so they share enemy information
    string	script_squadmove	// Group spawners/ai so they share enemy information and do squad move behaviour
    string	script_area			// used by battlechatter system
    string	script_location		// used by battlechatter system
    string	script_landmark		// used by battlechatter system
    string	script_color		// groups AI with nodes/triggers of that color
    string  script_forcecolor	// forces an AI to use all nodes of this color
    // Stalingrad
    int		script_scatter
    int		script_linked
    string		script_linkTo		// A compound string that is a list of script_linkname'd entities that this entity links to.
    string		script_linkName
    int		script_hillgroup
    int		script_chaintarget
    // vehicle stuff
    int		script_gatetrigger				// vehicles will wait at vehicle nodes with this untill the trigger is hit.
    int		script_VehicleAttackgroup 		// attacks associated vehicles, if non match attacks it will attack all vehicles on the opposing team by whatever order (think there's some stuff in the attack script that makes it attack nearest).
    int		script_VehicleSpawngroup 		// spawns associated vehicles and their aigroups (as still designated by script_vehiclegroup on the vehicles and the ai's)
    int		script_VehicleStartMove 		// initiates associated vehicles movement on its path, note that if no script_vehicleStart nodes or triggers exist then the vehicle will stay and wait for the level script to initiate it's movement stacking this with script_VehicleSpawngroup will make spawn and go right away.
    int		script_vehicleGroupDelete 		// Deletes associated vehicles and their aigroups (as still designated by script_vehiclegroup on the vehicles and the ai's)
    int		script_vehiclefocusfiregroup	// targets associated vehicles to triggering vehicle
    int		script_attackai	//toggle tanks attacking of ai
    int		script_attackorgs			//grouped to a turret node the tank will point it's turret in that direction.
    int		script_deathroll			//turns on and off deathroll for vehicles crossing paths
    string		script_lvlmsg				//  -- to be removed and replaced with node waittill ("trigger",other).. level gets notified with this message when a vehicle hits this pathnode
    string		script_crashtype			//designates a crashpath
    string		script_crashtypeoverride		//override the type of crash a vehicle will do when it dies values are "tank", "mobile"
    int		script_nomg				//makes machineguns not spawn at all on a tank. used for big tank battles where they aren't necessary on all the tanks.
    int		script_badplace			//no badplaces on tanks.  for tanks that won't be near ai. on big tank battles.
    float	script_dronelag			//amount of timed space between drones following vehicle paths
    int		script_fireondrones			//toggles machineguns firing on drones behavior
    int		script_vehicleride				
    int		script_vehiclewalk
    int		script_unloadmgguy	// set this on the halftrack to make the mg guy unload.
    int		script_vehiclesquad
    int		script_vehiclesquadleader
    int		script_vehicledetour
    int		script_avoidvehicles		//setting to 0 on a tank will make it not do collision avoidance stuff
    int 	script_avoidplayer // setting to 1 will cause the tank to perform collision avoidance on the player
    float		script_playerconeradius // used optionally with script_avoidplayer if you want a cone radius other than 200.  		
    string		script_vehicledetourtype	//describing how a vehicledetour node works,  first non default type being "scriptswitch" which will let the script notify the path to become a switch node. Useful in situations where a tank will fight in circles and then procede on whatever script condition.
    float		script_attackspeed
    int		script_vehicledeathgate		//a vehicle won't pass this point untill all the associated vehicles have been killed.
    int		script_vehicledeathswitch	//a switch node wont become activated untill all of the associated enemies are dead.. using for reenforcements in 88ridge
    int		script_unloaddelay // make a vehicle delay this long before unloading. < 1 means never unload
    string		script_turningdir	// set this to the direction of the anim set you want a vehicle to use.  "right","hard_right","left","hard_left","forward"
    int		script_bombmode_original
    int		script_bombmode_single
    int		script_bombmode_dual
    string		script_label
    int		script_flakaicount			//for setting the amount of ai to spawn on a flak
    string	script_tankgroup	// used to add a tankgroup to vehicles.
    float	script_chance		//chance that an exploder will explode, checked every 4 seconds or whatever script_delay is on the trigger.
    int		script_deleteonpathend
    // Duhoc_Assault
    string	script_boat
    string	script_rope
    int		script_forcespawn
    string	script_deleteai
    int		script_allowdeath
    float	script_death
    float	script_death_min
    float	script_death_max
    int		script_drones_min
    int		script_drones_max
    int		script_droneStartMove
    int		script_looping
    int		script_trace
    int		script_smokegroup
    int		script_minspec_level
    int		script_minspec_hooks_level
    // decoytown
    string script_layer	//using this as and identifier for groups of triggers and spawners to filter stuff by sequence since the player will be able to wander over triggers in a non-linear fashion
    (Copied from iw_07/radiant/keys.txt)

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Mitch For This Useful Post:

    kung foo man (15th December 2012)

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