i would appreciate if you delete this thread, my account, but not my posts
this way i would not disturb you anymore, at least here, and i wouldn't be tempted to post anymore
Type: Posts; User: raphael
i would appreciate if you delete this thread, my account, but not my posts
this way i would not disturb you anymore, at least here, and i wouldn't be tempted to post anymore
Do you use Nanny? if so, why?
libcod has a getFps function allowing you to get the com_maxfps value of players?
I play cod1 since ~15 years, this game has no antilag
Recently tried cod2 again, made a server, and quickly noticed that regularly when I did shot at a player, there was no hit.
started to suspect...
I suggested this because I noticed that when using sudo crontab -e, the scripts seems not to be executed sometimes/regularly (debian aws)
on cod 1.1
i'm able to reproduce the logs of the ss on my server using hping3
hosted on aws and uses codextended
sending the same attack on some servers, there is no lag
just tried...
yes: http://icculus.org/pipermail/cod/2012-January/015861.html
http://icculus.org/pipermail/cod/2012-March/016004.html looks nice too
hi did you figure what that means?
The Score 2001
I meant I want to make some clients to ignore some iwd files, but to download the rest and be able to join the server anyway.
I think I should take control of SV_SendClientGameState to achieve...
If printf("Not a valid iwd: %s\n", file) gets triggered, then the client gets stuck starting the download of this file and the next ones don't start right?
Could someone suggest a way for the...
we can update thread titles, but change appears only in thread, not in lists
Here is a tutorial to learn how to start your CoD2 server automatically when Linux starts.
Using this technique, you can continue to use the OS while the server is running, you can also exit the...
Is now fixed
Couldn't explain precisely how/why, but I think the following code could
endRound(roundwinner, cam, offset)
I am trying to make a roundcam inspired by CoDaM of CoD 1.1
(by roundcam I mean the player who killed the last in opposing team, will produce a killcam that everyone will see)
I have no...
I'm wondering if a server can read a client cvar without using setu for it first
Add seta logfile "1" in config_mp.cfg
The cvar value will get written to console_mp.log in main folder
There is a server that makes my client to exec "vstr cvar" using a .menu file
I know the name of the cvar, but I can't find the value it puts to my client
I feel it's readable somewhere...
Thank you for info
On CoD 1.1, I'm not able to use these functions to manage friendly pointers
For the moment the only way I tested working is self ShowToPlayer(self) to hide a pointer
On CoD 1.1, the friendly pointers on the compass come from the file hud@objective_friendly.dds
Sometimes, when a teammate is dead, his pointer still appears on compass
Is server able...
Thank you very much, I now notice that cod1 has the same part of code in _teams.gsc
Actually I struggle because I'm not sure if it's the server or the client who read this
I will explain how i...
Do you know how to reduce the required delay between Quick Chat messages on your server?
I recently noticed that when you spectate someone you get his ping displayed in scoreboard but in what i describe it's not this/i did not confuse
the most noticeable values with what i describe...
Yes I really think they are humans
I have read things about ping faking (for real players)
Must be funny to be able to put the value you want, or make people think you have an awful ping but beat...
I didn't know about the auto send using WinSCP and Notepad++, thank you
If sometime you recall the name of the tools for the HUD's please tell :)