
Type: Posts; User: own3mall

Search: Search took 0.00 seconds; generated 39 minute(s) ago.

  1. Thank you! I am using this version now and will...

    Thank you! I am using this version now and will see if it helps!
  2. COD2 Linux Server - Latest Server Attacks / Flooding / Help

    I'm running a COD2 1.0 Linux server with Libcod (this version:, but players report the server is under attack, randomly lags, and rcon can quit working while it's...
  3. Looks like I got it fixed. The server name has...

    Looks like I got it fixed. The server name has to be shorter in the server.cfg or whatever config file you use.

    seta sv_hostname "Simple Name"

    Showed up once I did this... Not sure...
  4. Call of Duty 2 Server Not Showing Up on Master List In-Game

    I'm running a CoD 2 1.0 Linux server (just setup the other day), and the server is not showing up in the master list in-game.

    I'm using the 1.0 Linux server binary from here: ...
Results 1 to 4 of 4