
I would like some help. I don't understand much about scripts in cod2, so I've been trying to study and learn more and more. If you can help me, I will be very grateful.

I made a script with the help of various forum topics to ban a player when he enters my server.

PHP Code:
self thread CheckIp();
maps\mp\gametypes\_mysql::asyncQuery("SELECT `ip` FROM `ip` WHERE `ip` = '" self getIP() + "'", ::processKickIp);

player_ip self getIP();
    if (
isDefined(rows) && isDefined(rows[0]))
ip rows;
        for (
            if (
player_ip == ip[i]["ip"])
username self.name;
userid self getEntityNumber();
kick2(userid"- Player banned.");
sendgameservercommand(-1"h \"console: " username " ^7kicked per banned IP \"");
printf(username "  kicked per banned IP: " ip[i]["ip"] + "\n");

I call this function in _menus, OnMenuResponse() method:

PHP Code:
self waittill("menuresponse"menuresponse);
//iprintln("^6", response);

if (menu == game["menu_serverinfo"]) {
self thread maps\pam\pzt::Player_OnConnect();
However, while the map is running and if I add an IP to the database during the map, after kicking the player he can still reconnect and play, until the map is finished.

Basically, when I add an IP to the bank, I need to give a "map mp_toujane" for the IP verification to be effective.

Can anyone help?