Idk about your problem , but i know how give vips for players with statusicon i think you'll find idea from my code :
For zom & Dr & bz mods :
PHP Code:
init() {
level.vipPlayer = [];
level.admPlayer = [];
level.vipPlayer[1] = 874632;
level.vipPlayer[2] = 707693;
SetVip() {
guid = self getGuid();
for(x=1; x<=level.vipPlayer.size; x++) {
if(guid==level.vipPlayer[x]) {
self.statusicon = "gnnr_rank_pro_7";
// you can change value
For a normal mods :
PHP Code:
init() {
level.vipPlayer = [];
level.admPlayer = [];
level.vipPlayer[1] = 874632;
level.vipPlayer[2] = 707693;
SetVip() {
guid = self getGuid();
for(x=1; x<=level.vipPlayer.size; x++) {
if(guid==level.vipPlayer[x]) {
self.statusicon = "gnnr_rank_pro_7";
// you can change value
Change guid to player's guid you want give him vip , this is for example , but if you want gnnr_rank_pro_7 images , materials and adm statusicon
Contact me !