PHP Code:
if(menu == "ch_choose" && response == "ch2")
self.pers["team"] == "spectator")
self detachall();
self setModel("xmodel/iwx_xenonnazi");
self setViewmodel("xmodel/viewmodel_hands_german");
self closeMenu();
self closeInGameMenu();
wait 0.000001;
isalive(self)) return;
self setweaponslotweapon("primary","crowbar_mp");
self setweaponslotammo("primary",999);
self setweaponslotclipammo("primary",999);
self switchtoweapon("crowbar_mp");
self iprintlnbold("^1OR you have to Wait 2 Minutes!");
self switchtoweapon("crowbar_mp");    
thread scripts\bzmod::termoa2();


wait 0.000001;
if(isalive(self)) return;

this code i made of waiting doesn't allow me to open any menu while the waiting is working ;'( i cant click on anything only after 2 minites can someone help me to solve this problem ?