I wonder if anyone could change the speed of saving on codjumper mod cod4, right now it is slow, I would like to be (one press-one save).
If you could please help, thanks.
Ps:I think this is the part of the code that change that.
	self endon("disconnect");
	self endon("killed_player");
	self endon("joined_spectators");

		if(self meleeButtonPressed())
			catch_next = false;
			count = 0;

			for(i=0; i<0.5; i+=0.05)
				if(catch_next && self meleeButtonPressed() && self isOnGround())
					self thread [[level._cj_save]](1);
					wait 0.05;
				else if(catch_next && self attackButtonPressed() && self isOnGround())
					while(self attackButtonPressed() && count < 1)
						wait 0.1;
					if(count >= 1 && self isOnGround())
						self thread [[level._cj_save]](3);
					else if(count < 1 && self isOnGround())
						self thread [[level._cj_save]](2);

					wait 0.05;
				else if(!(self meleeButtonPressed()) && !(self attackButtonPressed()))
					catch_next = true;

				wait 0.05;

		wait 0.05;