Hi, I use the codjumper mod on a paid server and I'v added a (ufo) script and it works very well for at least one day and as admin I use the admin menu and I noticed that when I use it the server lags.
I asked this on the cod4x forum 2 weeks ago and one of them told me this: "for(;; ) - linker never gets deleted. Memory leak."
Pros: maintaining r pressed you move wherever you want and stop it with space.
Cons: admin menu does not work a day after the server is up.

    self endon("disconnect");
    self endon("killed_player");
    linker = spawn("script_origin", self.origin);
        if(self reloadbuttonpressed()) 
        self linkto(linker);
        o=anglestoforward(self getplayerangles());
        linker moveto((linker.origin+(o[0]*m,o[1]*m,o[2]*m)),0.05);
        wait 0.05;    
        }else if(self jumpButtonPressed()){
        self unlink();
        wait 0.05;
    wait 0.05;
    linker delete();
    wait 2;
PD: If you have time, help please.