Hi all,
Today i would like to install this awesome bot in my server starting from 0. Your help is indispensable.
So, starting from here https://github.com/voron00/Nanny/tree/cod2_english

Instructions to run in *nix:

Install through CPAN (http://www.cpan.org/modules/INSTALL.html) dependent modules: DBI, DBD::SQLite, LWP::Simple
Setup every necessary parameters in nanny.cfg
Launch in terminal. In *nix you can use nanny.sh

The first command to write in the terminal is this?

cpan App::cpanminus
There is a method to install it in a different folder? If yes, how?

Then for install the DBI, DBD::SQLite, LWP::Simple modules, i need to write this?

cpanm Module::DBI
cpanm Module::DBD::SQLite
cpanm Module::LWP::Simple
Also here, there is a method to install it in a different folder/? If yes, how?