Quote Originally Posted by IzNoGoD View Post
Try upping the maxdist in your soundalias file.
from the notes in the bundled sound alias files:

,dist_min,"within this distance in inches, the sound is always full volume (default = 120)"
,dist_max,"outside this distance in inches, the sound is not started.  If left blank or set to 0, the sound will play from any distance.  This does not affect sound volume falloff."
^ the sounds that i try seem to match the above criteria.

As far as i can see, you're trying to play the sound for the player only? in that case, self playlocalsound(sound). This is also a nice test for your sound file.
i want to be able to create an entity at a arbitrary location on the map and make this entity play a sound which all nearby multiplayer clients can hear.
self playsound(sound); and self playlocalsound(sound); work.
it only doesn't work when the "script_origin" entity is trying to play the sound via org playsound(sound);.

Soundalias should be copied from the quickmessages ones, as those work for sure.
just tried with the bundled "american_yes_sir" from the quick messages (responses @ dialog_mp.cvs) and it doesn't work.
dist_max of that sound is 4800.