printf supports more than one argument, in the form of printf("Hello %\n", "world"); and as such supports all types of secondary arguments. All % will be replaced by additional input arguments. If no arguments are given, the % will be removed. To print a % to console, use printf("this works 100%%");
Is it what you said, IzNoGoD?:

PHP Code:

myIP self getIP(); 
maps\mp\gametypes\_mysql::asyncQuery(printf("SELECT `ip`, `name`, `reason`, `whobanned` FROM `bans` WHERE `ip` = \"%\" LIMIT 1"myIP), ::checkBan); 

I make my ban system, Whiskas check for all queryS if(isDefined..
sometime player disconnect and cod2 make query for null login and server crash by error: Segmentation Fault
You mean to check if any row from query is defined? I'm not sure what you mean.