PHP Code:
players[jgetentitynumber() != is2+="\n"; else 
s+="^7Id^1: "+players[jgetentitynumber()+"^3/^7Guid^1: "+players[jgetGuid()+"^3/^7Name^1: ^7" getname(players[j])+"\n\n";
j==players.size) break;
self.usize>=1016) {logprint("NEMFÉRKIII!!! "+i+"\n");break;}
self setclientcvar("ui_ids",s);
self setclientcvar("ui_ids2",s2); 
The variable "s" is the overflowing cvar. You can prevent that by splitting your data either into colums or rows, whereas columns might be easier.

Basically you make a cvar for every column, like: ui_ids, ui_guid, ui_name

Then you just generate the string for each column and add a \n at the end. Send it to client with

PHP Code:

    self setclientcvar
self setclientcvar("ui_guid",guids);
self setclientcvar("ui_name",names); 
You also just need one color code for each column, so it will save bytes for that also. After all it might up the limit to 50 players or so (depending on name lengths), till you need to make a "second area" which does the same, but for the rest of the players.