Hello! I trying to install your libcod, but any files is missing, or i don't know...

Pls help me, how to use to githube scripts?
( https://github.com/kungfooman/libcod )
Where I find this "read me", or install guide.

And I where find the files
( http://killtube.org/showthread.php?1...-MySQL-problem )
There I find this files, thats is not found for me server.
libmysqlclient.a libmysqlclient.so libmysql.so.16
libmysqlclient_r.so libmysql.so libmysql.so.16.0.0

And if I finish this install, i trying to make a mod with mysql commands...
Because I run my server with my now files and no error, but not work this...
mysql = std\mysql::mysql_real_connect(std\mysql::mysql_ini t(), "ip", "uss", "pw", "db", "port");
std\mysql::mysql_query(mysql, "INSERT INTO `clansys`.`players` (`id` ,`name` ,`score` ,`kills`)VALUES (NULL , 'a', 'a', 'a');");

Thank you, and Merry Mristmass!