Thank you for this, I have your mod running on my server for days now with meatbots in rotation. One question, I was using your mbot file to integrate into the AWE 3.4.2, I have everything running and rotating just fine, but the bots have no weapons. I know the mbot folder could sit in the server, or the client file because it makes no difference, seems it's not being called from anywhere. Originally I placed it in the (client - maps/mp) folder, but same issue. I recently put the folder in the server side maps/mp folder, because that is the directory the tdm.gsc is in (server - maps/mp/gametypes) . Any quick thoughts? I thought about precache the mbot weapons in the main _weapons.gsc.
Thanks for your work, I have added your name to the :updated by: scrolling in the server.
TnT Jeta1