Quote Originally Posted by guiismiti View Post
I advise you to put the tdm.gsc file from meatbot side by side with the original tdm.gsc from CoD 1.3 and copy every single change to the tdm.gsc of AWE, so you can merge both mods.
Yes, that is what I did, the bots spawn, and the map disconnects and reconnects and respawns the bots without duplication on the server just fine, problem is they spawn with no weapons and just stood there looking at their hands. This was with AWE 3.9.2
I tried with Extreme 2.9 (bots spawned with weapons and fought but couldn't get the disconnect and reconnect working). I would prefer to get AWE working because it is more stable.

Quote Originally Posted by Tally View Post
Having been a member of the AWE development team, I can tell you that there are only 4 lines of code in the gametype files for AWE. The mBots would get their weapons from _weapons.gsc. That's the right place to look. Remember to preache their weapons and give them the default animation weapon to begin with when they first spawn.

EDIT - I just had a look at meatbot - it has its own version of each gametype. So, remember to look in there as well.
Tally, how are you my friend, long time, hope you have been well.
Both the client and the svr .iwd have the path of maps\map\gametype, and the tdm.gsc is loading from the svr .iwd and calls for the precache

maps\mp\mbot\_mbot::precache();    // MBot
 thread maps\mp\mbot\_mbot_tdm::init();  // MBot
(This is the file that loads the weapons for the bots)

but does not indicate which maps\mp to look at for the mbot folder which is in the client .iwd (server will not fire with it in the svr .iwd) I also tried to combine both the client and svr into one .iwd, server fires, but bots will not spawn.

I guess I am looking for a way to indicate the client path of maps\mp\mbot to initiate and load _mbot_tdm which populates the weapons for the bots.
I'll keep trying different things and will work it out, just thought I would see if anyones has worked this out.
Thanks, TnT Jeta1