Yes that's exactly what I meant. I am using a fs_game, and, to save the player's original mouse sensitivity, I would just write a cfg and exec it after the player leaves the vehicle.
But, since sensitivity won't affect the keyboard commands, I'll just need to use functions to change the player's angles - and, like serthy said, it will probably not be smooth and therefore not worth the time spent, since I still need to adapt some stuff to be done with the TDM vehicle + bot mod.

I saw these functions in the para chute function:
bangles = self.angles;
self rotateTo( bangles, 0.5,0, 0.1);

rotateTo looks like an original COD function, since I couldn't find it anywhere in the file. Also, self.angles looks like an original COD variable, since it also wasn't defined anywhere in the file.
But unfortunately I don't think I'll have time for COD this week to test them.