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View Full Version : Tutorials Math/Vectors

kung foo man
18th November 2012, 12:21

does anybody know a good tutorials about the math behind vectors?

Some people are interested to work on K~Surf, but they lack the math-skills atm.


Collection of Tutorials:

Bullettrace and you

[advanced] movegravity() and movement vectors

18th November 2012, 12:32
You mean something like this:

A vector in cod is (x,y,z) = (forward, left/right, up). The most used function with vectors in cod are distance, VectorNormalize and VectorToAngles.

With distance you can calcatulate the distance between two points.


one = (0,0,0);
two = (100, 0, 100);
dist = Distance( one, two );

With VectorNormalize you get a vector between 0 and 1. So (0-1, 0-1, 0-1).


difference = VectorNormalize( end - start );

With VectorToAngles you can calculate the angles you need to get from your current position (vector) to a other position.


angles = VectorToAngles( end - start );

kung foo man
18th November 2012, 12:59
Yeah, thats already a good beginning :)

18th November 2012, 13:12
Nope, vectornormalize does actually the following:

vec = (123, 234, 345);
vec = vectornormalize(vec);

l = length(vector);
vector = maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale(vector, 1/l);

As you can see, vectornormalize will a vector with exactly the same direction, but with length of one. Always. (although behaviour with vec = (0,0,0) is not defined)