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View Full Version : bmp2map - generate terrains with images!

kung foo man
14th October 2012, 18:40
This is a little tool I created some time ago. I never wanted to publish it, but some ppl are interested in. :D

You can make from such an image: http://www.killtube.org/downloads/bmp2map/dayz.bmp

...such a map for Radiant: http://www.killtube.org/downloads/bmp2map/bmp2map_radiant.JPG

This is all you need:

14.10.2012 - by kung foo man

- the compiler TCC is included, so you can modify the c-sourcecode
- you can learn C
- you can create .map's based on .bmp's
- i've never fully finished it
(because cod2map.exe/CoD2MP cant handle large terrains)
- have fun

K~ - killtube.org

15th October 2012, 00:57
Brilliant work Kung, works amazing. Here's a video on Xfire of what I made in it. Just the basics, didn't smooth + add hills or anything.

kung foo man
16th October 2012, 17:57
If somebody wants help to learn C with bmp2map.c, then i can show you the first steps in TeamViewer. Already showed it Stauffi, so he would be able to teach also.

kung foo man
16th October 2012, 22:32

Nice nice, made by Jared with a spiral image + bmp2map.c editing (in Notepad++ ofc :D)

17th October 2012, 17:20
Awesome work bro....Sorry I was offline recently because my comp was blocked for some reasons...
Hey kung..We can make a deathrun map with this like "MOON" place ...something like that..
Wanted to use idea from blackops zombies MOON :D

kung foo man
17th October 2012, 19:00
moon map sounds epic :D

thought also about http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/13343-blender-261-export-to-map/

like: modelling a big moon and rotate it.... while it rotates, there are traps on it :D

so ppl who are to slow just fall to death ^^

the traps should be big enough ofc, so ppl cant be blocked.

18th October 2012, 03:38
I'll try my best to make such but it's really gonna be a big map...30mb? :D

19th October 2012, 08:38
Killer do you use radiant for your maps? Just wondering because i want learn mapping and maybe create my own map later :)

19th October 2012, 12:23
wow nice ideia , i cant wait to see what it will look ...

19th October 2012, 14:07
wow nice ideia , i cant wait to see what it will look ...

I'll start working on it as soon as possible then i'll post the image of it or how i'll make it :)