View Full Version : [CoD 1.1] How to reduce the required delay between Quick Chat messages?

22nd April 2023, 22:13
Do you know how to reduce the required delay between Quick Chat messages on your server?

23rd April 2023, 14:56
Probablly to do with either g_floodprotect (set to zero), or (in cod2 at least) with the spamdelay set inside the quickmessages.gsc file. In cod2 it's set to 2 seconds, like so:


self saveHeadIcon();
self doQuickMessage(soundalias, saytext);

wait 2;
self.spamdelay = undefined;
self restoreHeadIcon();

25th April 2023, 20:22
Thank you very much, I now notice that cod1 has the same part of code in _teams.gsc

Actually I struggle because I'm not sure if it's the server or the client who read this
I will explain how i did if i success to make the change working