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View Full Version : Static model functions

19th February 2021, 15:27
Level functions:
getnumberofstaticmodels: returns the count of all the static models (e.g. classname "misc_model")

Example code:

if (self.pers["team"] == "allies")
self thread monitorKeysHiders();

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("killed_player");

pressedUpdateModelLeft = false;
pressedUpdateModelRight = false;

for (;;)
if (isDefined(self.hidden) && self leanleftButtonPressed() && !pressedUpdateModelLeft) {
pressedUpdateModelLeft = true;

if (self useButtonPressed()) {
self updatePlayerModelInRange(-1);
self iprintlnbold("Switching to previous object in range.");
} else {
self updatePlayerModel(-1);
self iprintlnbold("Switching to previous object.");
} else if (!self leanleftButtonPressed()) {
pressedUpdateModelLeft = false;

if (isDefined(self.hidden) && self leanrightButtonPressed() && !pressedUpdateModelRight) {
pressedUpdateModelRight = true;

if (self useButtonPressed()) {
self updatePlayerModelInRange(1);
self iprintlnbold("Switching to next object in range.");
} else {
self updatePlayerModel(1);
self iprintlnbold("Switching to next object.");
} else if (!self leanrightButtonPressed()) {
pressedUpdateModelRight = false;

wait 0.05;

countdown = getNumberOfStaticModels();
nextModel = getNextPlayerModel(direction);
while (isDefined(nextModel) && isDefined(self.hidden) && countdown >= 0)
modelOrigin = getStaticModelOrigin(self.selectedmodel);
if (isDefined(nextModel) && DistanceSquared(self.origin, modelOrigin) < 20000 && self.hidden != "xmodel/" + nextModel)

nextModel = getNextPlayerModel(direction);

if (countdown < 0) {
self iprintlnbold("Unable to find an object in range.");
} else if (isDefined(nextModel)) {
self hidePlayer("xmodel/" + nextModel);

nextModel = getNextPlayerModel(direction);
while (isDefined(nextModel) && isDefined(self.hidden) && self.hidden == "xmodel/" + nextModel)
nextModel = self getNextPlayerModel(direction);

if (isDefined(nextModel))
self hidePlayer("xmodel/" + nextModel);

models = getNumberOfStaticModels();
if (models > 0) {
if (!isDefined(self.selectedmodel)) {
self.selectedmodel = 0;
} else {
self.selectedmodel += direction;

if (self.selectedmodel < 0) {
self.selectedmodel = models - 1;
} else if (self.selectedmodel >= models) {
self.selectedmodel = 0;

return getStaticModelName(self.selectedmodel);
} else {
return undefined;

Video: https://youtu.be/gkB3LH9YU-M
Supported libcod: https://github.com/voron00/libcod

kung foo man
21st February 2021, 06:23
Wow, nice work! Was a bit confused what type "direction" is... until I saw it treated like an integer. Do you still work on the docs aswell?

21st February 2021, 10:43
Wow, nice work! Was a bit confused what type "direction" is... until I saw it treated like an integer. Do you still work on the docs aswell?

Yes, I work sometimes on the docs when I got the time for it.
Currently there are quite a few libcod functions missing, but first I want to check and remove stock functions from CoD4 and add the missing CoD2 functions.

21st February 2021, 14:24
Nice!! Keep up the good work!!

21st February 2021, 16:31
Why is there a distance check in there?

21st February 2021, 17:03
Why is there a distance check in there?

A basic filter to select the one of closest models from the list.

21st February 2021, 19:12
Ah, so no technical limitations in there, just convinience for the player

1st March 2021, 05:59
maybe I'm wrong, but still need to describe hidePlayer() function, I did it like this

self.hidden = model;
self setModel(model);

and add some code to the function onSpawnedPlayer()

if (self.pers["team"] == "allies")
if (!isDefined(self.hidden))
self.hidden = "null";

self thread monitorKeysHiders();

it works for me, but I'm not sure what is correct :)