View Full Version : +1 standalone script

14th April 2020, 12:10
Hi everyone. It's the first time i'm writing a script for COD2 but i've some experience in programming: basically what i'm trying to add to my mod is the +1 indicator like Extreme mod when you kill a player. I've looked at Extreme mod but i have no idea how it does such a thing (i cannot find anything about it ). Can you give me some suggestion? My idea is to integrate some stuff into PAM mod to make it a little bit more fun.

Thank you

14th April 2020, 12:28
In the maps/mp/gametypes/_callbacksetup.gsc call the init():

// If the gametype has not beed started, run the startup
if(!isDefined(level.gametypestarted) || !level.gametypestarted)

level.gametypestarted = true; // so we know that the gametype has been started up

setcvar("scr_testclients" , 2 );
thread maps\mp\gametypes\_teams::addTestClients(); // bots for testing only

maps\mp\gametypes\_scorepopup::init(); // <-------------------------

Create a file in maps/mp/gametypes called _scorepopup.gsc and add IzNoGod's code (https://killtube.org/showthread.php?1208-plusscore):

// See: https://killtube.org/showthread.php?1208-plusscore

game["precached_plusscore_strings"] = true;

OnPlayerKilled( attacker , victim , sMeansOfDeath , sHitLoc )
score = 10;

if( !isDefined( attacker ) || !isDefined( victim ) )
else if( !isPlayer( attacker ) || !isPlayer( victim ) )
else if( attacker == victim )

if( isDefined( sMeansOfDeath ) && isDefined( sHitLoc ) )
if( sHitLoc == "head" && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_MELEE" )
sMeansOfDeath = "MOD_HEAD_SHOT";

if( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_HEAD_SHOT" )
score = 50;
else if( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_MELEE" )
score = 25;

if( isDefined( attacker.pers[ "team" ] ) &&
isDefined( victim.pers[ "team" ] ) &&
attacker.pers[ "team" ] == victim.pers[ "team" ] &&
getcvar( "g_gametype" ) != "dm" )
score *= -1;

if( score < 0 ) score += 1;
else score -= 1;

attacker.score += score;

attacker thread plusscore( score );

iprintln("Plusscore strings not precached. Call init() on startgametype...");
iprintln("Plusscore not called on a player. Go fix this before you try anything else!");
if(!isdefined(self.izno_plusscore)) //first run
self.izno_plusscore = newclienthudelem(self);
self.izno_plusscore.instance = 0;
self.izno_plusscore.score = score;
self.izno_plusscore.horzAlign = "center";
self.izno_plusscore.vertAlign = "middle";
self.izno_plusscore.alignX = "center";
self.izno_plusscore.alignY = "middle";
self.izno_plusscore.x = 0; //middle of screen
self.izno_plusscore.y = -40; //just above middle of screen
self.izno_plusscore.alpha = 0.3;
self.izno_plusscore.fontscale = 0.5;
else //not first-run
if(self.izno_plusscore.alpha < 0.3 || self.izno_plusscore.score == 0)
self.izno_plusscore.alpha = 0.3;
if(self.izno_plusscore.fontscale < 0.5 || self.izno_plusscore.score == 0)
self.izno_plusscore.fontscale = 0.5;
self.izno_plusscore.score += score;
if(self.izno_plusscore.score < 0)
self.izno_plusscore.color = (235/255,10/255,10/255); //negative scores are red
self.izno_plusscore.label = &"";
self.izno_plusscore.color = (1,230/255,125/255); //yellow-ish
self.izno_plusscore.label = &"+";
self.izno_plusscore setvalue(self.izno_plusscore.score);

current_instance = self.izno_plusscore.instance;
make_bigger = true;
more_opaque = true;
steady_opaque_timer = 0;
alpha_done = false;
size_done = false;
while(isdefined(self) && current_instance == self.izno_plusscore.instance && !(alpha_done && size_done))
if(make_bigger && self.izno_plusscore.fontscale < 2)
self.izno_plusscore.fontscale += 0.35;
else if(make_bigger)
make_bigger = false;
else if(self.izno_plusscore.fontscale > 2)
self.izno_plusscore.fontscale -= 0.2;
size_done = true;
self.izno_plusscore.fontscale = 1.5;

if(more_opaque && self.izno_plusscore.alpha <= 0.9) //dont overflow this
self.izno_plusscore.alpha += 0.1;
else if(more_opaque && steady_opaque_timer == 20)
more_opaque = false;
else if(more_opaque)
else if(self.izno_plusscore.alpha >= 0.1) //dont underflow this
self.izno_plusscore.alpha -= 0.1;
alpha_done = true;
self.izno_plusscore.alpha = 0;
wait 0.05;
if(current_instance == self.izno_plusscore.instance)
wait 0.5;
if(isdefined(self) && self.izno_plusscore.instance == current_instance)
self.izno_plusscore.score = 0;

Call the scorepopup on every kill in the _callbacksetup::CallBack_OnPlayerKilled() (insert this function call as the last line):

level thread maps\mp\gametypes\_scorepopup::OnPlayerKilled( eAttacker , self , sMeansOfDeath , sHitLoc );

Here is how you setup CoD2 for your own mod: https://youtu.be/9-n75APn81g or just edit the Pam mod yourself

14th April 2020, 13:56
In the maps/mp/gametypes/_callbacksetup.gsc call the init():

// If the gametype has not beed started, run the startup
if(!isDefined(level.gametypestarted) || !level.gametypestarted)

level.gametypestarted = true; // so we know that the gametype has been started up

setcvar("scr_testclients" , 2 );
thread maps\mp\gametypes\_teams::addTestClients(); // bots for testing only

maps\mp\gametypes\_scorepopup::init(); // <-------------------------

Create a file in maps/mp/gametypes called _scorepopup.gsc and add IzNoGod's code (https://killtube.org/showthread.php?1208-plusscore):

// See: https://killtube.org/showthread.php?1208-plusscore

game["precached_plusscore_strings"] = true;

OnPlayerKilled( attacker , victim , sMeansOfDeath , sHitLoc )
score = 10;

if( !isDefined( attacker ) || !isDefined( victim ) )
else if( !isPlayer( attacker ) || !isPlayer( victim ) )
else if( attacker == victim )

if( isDefined( sMeansOfDeath ) && isDefined( sHitLoc ) )
if( sHitLoc == "head" && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_MELEE" )
sMeansOfDeath = "MOD_HEAD_SHOT";

if( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_HEAD_SHOT" )
score = 50;
else if( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_MELEE" )
score = 25;

if( isDefined( attacker.pers[ "team" ] ) &&
isDefined( victim.pers[ "team" ] ) &&
attacker.pers[ "team" ] == victim.pers[ "team" ] &&
getcvar( "g_gametype" ) != "dm" )
score *= -1;

if( score < 0 ) score += 1;
else score -= 1;

attacker.score += score;

attacker thread plusscore( score );

iprintln("Plusscore strings not precached. Call init() on startgametype...");
iprintln("Plusscore not called on a player. Go fix this before you try anything else!");
if(!isdefined(self.izno_plusscore)) //first run
self.izno_plusscore = newclienthudelem(self);
self.izno_plusscore.instance = 0;
self.izno_plusscore.score = score;
self.izno_plusscore.horzAlign = "center";
self.izno_plusscore.vertAlign = "middle";
self.izno_plusscore.alignX = "center";
self.izno_plusscore.alignY = "middle";
self.izno_plusscore.x = 0; //middle of screen
self.izno_plusscore.y = -40; //just above middle of screen
self.izno_plusscore.alpha = 0.3;
self.izno_plusscore.fontscale = 0.5;
else //not first-run
if(self.izno_plusscore.alpha < 0.3 || self.izno_plusscore.score == 0)
self.izno_plusscore.alpha = 0.3;
if(self.izno_plusscore.fontscale < 0.5 || self.izno_plusscore.score == 0)
self.izno_plusscore.fontscale = 0.5;
self.izno_plusscore.score += score;
if(self.izno_plusscore.score < 0)
self.izno_plusscore.color = (235/255,10/255,10/255); //negative scores are red
self.izno_plusscore.label = &"";
self.izno_plusscore.color = (1,230/255,125/255); //yellow-ish
self.izno_plusscore.label = &"+";
self.izno_plusscore setvalue(self.izno_plusscore.score);

current_instance = self.izno_plusscore.instance;
make_bigger = true;
more_opaque = true;
steady_opaque_timer = 0;
alpha_done = false;
size_done = false;
while(isdefined(self) && current_instance == self.izno_plusscore.instance && !(alpha_done && size_done))
if(make_bigger && self.izno_plusscore.fontscale < 2)
self.izno_plusscore.fontscale += 0.35;
else if(make_bigger)
make_bigger = false;
else if(self.izno_plusscore.fontscale > 2)
self.izno_plusscore.fontscale -= 0.2;
size_done = true;
self.izno_plusscore.fontscale = 1.5;

if(more_opaque && self.izno_plusscore.alpha <= 0.9) //dont overflow this
self.izno_plusscore.alpha += 0.1;
else if(more_opaque && steady_opaque_timer == 20)
more_opaque = false;
else if(more_opaque)
else if(self.izno_plusscore.alpha >= 0.1) //dont underflow this
self.izno_plusscore.alpha -= 0.1;
alpha_done = true;
self.izno_plusscore.alpha = 0;
wait 0.05;
if(current_instance == self.izno_plusscore.instance)
wait 0.5;
if(isdefined(self) && self.izno_plusscore.instance == current_instance)
self.izno_plusscore.score = 0;

Call the scorepopup on every kill in the _callbacksetup::CallBack_OnPlayerKilled() (insert this function call as the last line):

level thread maps\mp\gametypes\_scorepopup::OnPlayerKilled( eAttacker , self , sMeansOfDeath , sHitLoc );

Here is how you setup CoD2 for your own mod: https://youtu.be/9-n75APn81g or just edit the Pam mod yourself

Many thanks you made my day!! :) now it's working i also added the code to recognize if it's a self kill or not!!

Just another question i think for you its really simple. I also added some sound that i want to play but i found a pack with all killingspree etc sound but it doesnt work even if i edit the file in soundaliases by adding in the csv with the same format as other files!

Thanks a lot

14th April 2020, 14:52
I don't know what mod that 'killingspree' sound is from, but usually you have to call the sound via script somehow, otherwise it is not playing.
If you have a mod, you need to merge the *.gsc files, such that it is a single mod, otherwise the mod gets overwritten in alphabetical order.
When you already took care of this and there is still no sound, I remember I had similar issues with the soundaliases back in the day and tried until everything worked.
Your sound files and the soundalias need to be in a .iwd file that gets downloaded by the client (iirc).

14th April 2020, 15:02
Sorry for my bad english. What i wanted to say is that i'm able to play sound that i found in a killingspree mod via script but whenever i add some new sounds to the sound folder then to soundaliases i edit the csv file and add the reference to the .mp3, calling it from the script doesnt work.. but only for the new sounds added

14th April 2020, 16:17
Yeah, okay. Unfortunately I cant help you with that, as I dont remember this part.
In the past I had similar trouble getting sound to work, sometimes it was a faulty soundalias or a different audio format/encoding altogether that didnt work.
Maybe go step by step until it breaks down: change an existing soundfiles name etc.
If custom sounds arent loaded, maybe your soundalias isnt read in the first place?
You could place it inside an iwd with 'zzz_' prefix, as these getting loaded last and should override the stock ones.

30th August 2022, 04:16
I CAN'T implement it, can you give me a hand?