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View Full Version : wwwDownload [COD2 1.3]

16th March 2020, 05:23
Hi, I have a "fast download" problem.

Server Configuration:

set sv_allowDownload "1"
seta sv_wwwDownload "1"
seta sv_wwwBaseURL "http://iwd.rzom.ru"
seta sv_wwwFallbackURL "http://iwd.rzom.ru"
seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"

Server log:

Redirecting client '^^55F^^77jo^^55ze^^77k^^55''' to http://iwd.rzom.ru/ex/_aa.iwd
Redirecting client '^^55F^^77jo^^55ze^^77k^^55''' to http://iwd.rzom.ru/ex/pm.iwd
Redirecting client '^^55F^^77jo^^55ze^^77k^^55''' to http://iwd.rzom.ru/ex/mp.iwd
Client '^^55F^^77jo^^55ze^^77k^^55''' reported that the http download of '' failed, falling back to a server download
clientDownload: 0 : begining "ex/_aa.iwd"

Web config:

<VirtualHost iwd.rzom.ru:80>
DocumentRoot /var/web/sites/iwd.rzom.ru/source/
CustomLog /var/web/sites/iwd.rzom.ru/logs/access.log combined
ErrorLog /var/web/sites/iwd.rzom.ru/logs/error.log

<Directory /var/web/sites/iwd.rzom.ru/source/ex>
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

Download dir:

Players have to do reconnections several times, sometimes it loads normally and everything is fine, sometimes it breaks off while downloading any of the files.

File sizes:

m.iwd: 36 mb
mp.iwd: 121 mb
pm.iwd 42 mb

Most often, the situation is that the downloading "mp.iwd" file is break and it starts to download it at the usual speed (directly with cod2).

Has anyone encountered a similar one? Maybe there are some recommendations on file size or web server settings...

16th March 2020, 19:09
Set sv_wwwdldisconnected to 1 and you'll stop having broken downloads.

17th March 2020, 04:12
Set sv_wwwdldisconnected to 1 and you'll stop having broken downloads.

Thank you, but I already set it and this did not solve the problem completely, possibly reduced the number of such download-crashes.
p.s: these annoying download messages:mad:

I am worried about this message, why the quotes inside are empty and not 'path/file.iwd'? or everything is fine and it should be so...

Client '^^55F^^77jo^^55ze^^77k^^55''' reported that the http download of '' failed, falling back to a server download