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View Full Version : NannyBot

25th March 2019, 22:32
Good evening,

So, after I've installed Nanybot, I've edited the .cfg to the necessary changes, such as IP,PORT,rcon_pass, and server.log.
That's all okay.

So, I moved to !commands, well, I didn't get the point in the first, how to disable and allow, so I set half of the commands to "everyone".
After then, I run the nanny.sh script, it showed me the server STATUS, NEXT MAP is: toujane etc etc

I thought it's working, I went to the server and I tried to write !commands,!kick etc ( the commands I edited ), but nothing worked.

If someone can help me to solve it, thanks in advance!

27th March 2019, 08:00
hmm?? some responses?

27th March 2019, 20:46
Check your server.log if it actually has your messages, maybe g_logSync is off or you just pointed to a wrong log file.