View Full Version : [CoD2} Fire at the end of a Rocket Explosion

6th April 2018, 16:21
Hello, i want to add fire after the shot like here:

I'm adding this fx to another weapon.
The fire burns for about 20-30 seconds

I do not understand what else needs to be edited in weapon file. I have only smoke at the end

I added in weapon file:


Added in iwd:

Original weapon file with Fire FX: 1501

New weapon file for editing: 1502

Full version autoschreck with Fire FX: 1503

Someone may suggest that what i missed ?

6th April 2018, 19:13
I will not find it, it's something like an lastShotAnim, i was try to renamed like on original but no result

6th April 2018, 19:36
Check impacts.csv

6th April 2018, 19:51
autoschreck_mp not use impacts.csv i found only projImpactExplode but the values ​​are the same in m9bazooka_mp

..by the way, it's good idea for the final explosion of rocket, i found this only in one mod

6th April 2018, 20:25
autoschreck_mp not use impacts.csv i found only projImpactExplode but the values ​​are the same in m9bazooka_mp

..by the way, it's good idea for the final explosion of rocket, i found this only in one mod

It does use it, cause that's hardcoded. It specifies which impact fx to use on rocket impact.


6th April 2018, 20:38
What should I do with this? I've reviewed everything in zzz_autoschreck.zip and not found this code. I think it's need to configure only weapon file, because i added in weapon file this:


Worked, except the fire on the wall after explosion of rocket

7th April 2018, 00:39
I do not understand what else needs to be edited in weapon file. I have only smoke at the end

I've just come back from a party and I am absolutely hammered atm (i.e. for all you non-Brits that expression means I am very drunk), so can't think very clearly right now. But a provisional solution to this is to say that to do what you want has absolutely nothing to do with the weapon file settings. The trail of smoke and fire you see as you launch the rocket is handled by an .EFX file. You quoted flare_artillery_runner.efx as the .EFX used by the rocket launcher weapon file you are using. That file runs an .EFX file named fx/misc/flare_artillery_marker.efx. All you need to do is add the explosion FX code to the very bottom of flare_artillery_marker.efx. Then, when flare_artillery_marker.efx runs, the very last FX tp occur in sequence will be the explosion FX code.

If you are unsure how to do this, please attach your explosion .EFX file to your next post. I will download it, and add it to the foot of flare_artillery_marker.efx.

7th April 2018, 07:58
Everything worked out, Thanks!