View Full Version : [COD2] Black Ops Zombie Mod [Working]

7th March 2018, 02:24
Hi all,

I am working on a fully conversion of the Black Ops (I-II-III) zombie mod to COD2 (with libcod).
Its not that low version which are done a few years ago, it will contains:


Proper animations from BO
Can another model on each map
The head may fall
Can has hat which also may fall
Sounds from BO
The health and numbers will increase with the original algorythm

With barricades
Without barricades


Original model and animation
Fake boxes and teddy bear
Wonder weapon can only spin once


Will be in an expensive room or can be accessible through some steps
Give a stronger weapon with cammo and pap sound


Hudicons from BO
Max Ammo
Double Points
Insta Kill
Fire Sale


Round, ammo, weapon hud from BO1
Callback sounds from Demsey


Quick Revive (if you play solo it revives you)
Double Tap
Speed Cola
Mule Kick
Stamin Up
Der Wunderfizz


Its not quite determined but will be 30 because of PaP
The wonder weapon will be Wunderwaffe DG2 with proper model and animation (Zombies too)
Start weapon M1911 (Colt)


The logic and model from Origins
Random quests for max ammo, PaP weapon, perk

Some features which can be done but I don't know if it needed or worth the time:

Dogs with proper animation
Death Machine
Money and Perk pickup
Zombies spawn from the grounds
Teleporter from BO1 Kino Der Toten
Defcon from BO1 Five
Winter’s Howl, ThunderGun, WaveGun (with Zap Gun), Blundergat
Callback sounds from Richtofen, Nikolai and Takeo
Mystery box from Mob of the Dead and Origins (need the fx)
Mauser C96 starting weapon
Ghost from Buried
PhD Flopper, Deadshot Daiquiri, Electric Cherry

It would be nice if this features will be included too, but I will need help for it:

Monkey Bomb
Demsey character model
Some weapons and model from BO3
Last stand
Proper fxes for somethings (e.g. mysterybox, wunderwaffe)
Unique stat menu with headshots, downs, revives (can make tabbuttonpressed() or show menu while a button is pressed?)

Need help for some questions / problems:

Can I link multiple model for bot (player) and do different animation on the models?
Can I show / hide light somehow? (maybe with fx?)
It would be good if I can make the firetime and reloadtime to the client for the proper Double Tap and Speed Cola
Zombies hitbox hitches bug
Doors script (how to do it properly to facilitate the mappers' work - when open a door get the spawns only from the next "room" [the maps can be circled and a room can contains small room with door and spawn])

For Speed Cola I am thinking of a method which is not the best: if player pressed reload button or out of ammo after some time giveclipmaxammo for that weapon. But this will stop the reload animation and sound...
And for the hitbox hitches bug I can make a workaround for it with script but that way I can not properly determine if the player shoot the head.

Things done so far:

Zombie animations (crawling, attack, traverse, death, walk, sprint, etc)
Zombie models from Kino Der Toten, Five and Origins
Zombie's head, hat can fall
Zombies moving
Round's logic
Player callback sounds and hud
and a few things I can not remember

I am currently working in the windows which is almost finished (the zombies are come very good [in list] and traverse [normal, sprint, crawl] and destroy the barricade [with workaround animation]). Two zombies can attack the barrier and enter the window at once. I know in BO three can attack and one can enter, but I decided two can attack and enter at the same time.

I am grateful to the peoples here especially with the developpers of libcod.
I would welcome some developpers/mappers. It would be good if some maps has easter eggs.

I am thinking of set this to open source or at least downloadable, maybe make a website for it but I want to hear your opinions first.

And let me know if you know some awesome features which not included in the list.

I can upload some pictures if anyone interested in it.


7th March 2018, 04:53
D day you abandoned Clannad was the worst day of my life.

7th March 2018, 14:06
Pics or it didnt happen :-P

Need help for some questions / problems:

Can I link multiple model for bot (player) and do different animation on the models?
Can I show / hide light somehow? (maybe with fx?) Only via fx, and only in dx9
It would be good if I can make the firetime and reloadtime to the client for the proper Double Tap and Speed Cola i guess libcod can do this, but im not sure if its serverside or clientside
Zombies hitbox hitches bug libcod/proper bots
Doors script (how to do it properly to facilitate the mappers' work - when open a door get the spawns only from the next "room" [the maps can be circled and a room can contains small room with door and spawn]) afaik, in the original zomscripts, they used area-triggers and spawn zombies in adjacent rooms that the player is currently on

7th March 2018, 15:24
Pics or it didnt happen :-P

You cant play animations on models, only on players. So, setmodel, or link multiple players together to create 1 giant zombie (power-ranger style)
Show/hide light is poss by editting the map, and creating 2 versions of a room, one with the light, one without, then show()/hide()-ing them appropriately
The firetime/reloadtime is serverside, so everyone has the same firetime. However, given that you probably have less than 24 players on your server, you can give each client his own "unique" gun and set the flags appropriately serverside.
Use proper bots with botcontrol (implemented in one of the later libcods, quite easy to handle)

7th March 2018, 15:58
However, given that you probably have less than 24 players on your server, you can give each client his own "unique" gun and set the flags appropriately serverside.

What do you mean? Can you specify it?

I use proper bots without botcontrol (I know with it will be easier though...).
The hitches bug only exists at the window where there are crawling zombies and I do not want to the faster zombie wait for the crawler.

I will attach some picture later.

7th March 2018, 17:23
As the guns are server-side, just give a player "gun_" + player getentitynumber() + "_" + slot. Then set that gun serverside to the appropriate stuff, like model etc based on what loadout the player has. This way you can edit all guns for all players serverside without interfering with each other.

7th March 2018, 18:33
Oh, I see.

For example: precache 24 weapons for 12 players, and before I give one to them, change everything needed with libcod? Not a bad idea, but how can I set a weapon animations, sounds, etc? As far as I know there is only damage, firetime, reloadtime and meleetime options in libcod.

kung foo man
7th March 2018, 19:02
Would be most interesting to me when:
- content (maps, textures, models, sounds etc.) is going to be Creative Commons 0/Public Domain, or at least using proper license documentation, e.g. to rebuy software licenses on Unity Assetstore if needed
- source code is not copypastefixed (aka a rewrite) of original scripts, with MIT/BSD/X11 license
- developed on GitHub

I need to do something like this nonetheless for my own game, so when we have intersections in our work, I would like to collaborate. But I guess you wanna rip all the content from the original titles and reuse it?

7th March 2018, 19:25
Well... I rip the models, animations, sounds and textures. Anything else is my own work. Also, I had to change a lot at the animations (height, origin, some was buggy)

7th March 2018, 19:51
Building upon available digital content only makes sense in the digital space, at least as far as the discussion between just vs lawful things is ignored, and yes I am suggesting that it is just to do that even though it might be unlawful and feel like it's damaging yours or others property. Yes the fear of damaging a business is fully justified but not just, in the bigger picture it only goes to show that businesses that grow will do anything to prevent possible competition and make as much profit as possible without regard for basic human morales.

In a theoretical shareware world, we would have far better competition, far better end product and far better everything honestly, only drawback would be that tech companies wouldn't be able to grow as big as they are now, instead they would have to depend on collaboration, the ultimate way to go, I know this might not be in line with many peoples views but that is where the world is going to eventually progress to, hopefully xD

28th March 2018, 01:47
good luck,here is a video of my version from 2016 i stopped working on it because of a hardrive crash and lost my sources it contains nearly all features u plan to add so if u have any questions feel free to ask
