View Full Version : GAS Grenade For COD2 MP

19th February 2018, 01:19
Hi, someone have Gas Grenade mod for COD2 ? I know the Merciless MatadoR have it, but I can not cut it from this mod.

In MatadoR mod i have found a file on weapon folder "smoke_grenade_german_mp2" - this is Gas Grenade, but does not work correctly, not have damage, vomiting sound and yellow smoke quickly disappears..

20th February 2018, 15:47
I begin to disassemble this mod, its differently have this grenade is no possibility. As an experiment i deleted

and gas grenede STILL work in game, I think it's in scripts who are responsible for this.

I look in _weapons.gsc but not find script responsible for function

This is IWD have all folders and files for grenade but without script for damage



20th February 2018, 16:06
This is IWD with other folders and files. In these folder I think there is a script for damage function



Both IWDs work. I divided them in half to make it easier to search. Gas Grenade to be in Germany team like Smoke grenade.
I want to add a script to the first IWD, since it has all the files to load except the script for damage

20th February 2018, 16:09
Someone have idea, where i can to look a file for damage function ? Sorry for a maybe stupid question but i not have experience and no one else to ask for help

kung foo man
20th February 2018, 16:26
Open your weapons/mp/smoke_grenade_american_mp (or whatever your filename is) and search for "damage" in Notepad++ and replace it all with 0:

damage\0\meleeDamage\50\explosionRadius\0\explosio nInnerDamage\0\explosionOuterDamage\0\

meleeDamage doesn't need to be 0, but shouldn't matter

20th February 2018, 16:51
Thank you! I just tested, but this method does not quite work correctly. This is not exectly what i need

In merc2V3_4pb2.iwd (2 upload link) When the smoke comes the health is leaving for little by little. Gas grenade does not take health (not work) like as frag_grenade, he has another act (function)

In any case, it need to look for script for this gas grenade. I can not guess where it can be written in files

kung foo man
20th February 2018, 19:05
Ah, I see, slow death by gas grenade script. I can't open the files on Google Drive, so use GitHub or something

20th February 2018, 20:19
This is 2-nd iwd with scripts. You can placed in main folder cod2 if you wont to look GasGrenade at work. It's need take team Germany, engineer class


1-st iwd i upload across 15 min. I have bad upload speed, only 60KB/s. First iwd include all file for gasgrenade for work but i did not delete unnecessary, yet. I'll figure it out later, it's not difficult.

1-st IWD Link:

or here full mod:

20th February 2018, 21:03
Use libcod, check for the callback_grenadefire or something, check for weapon name, make area effect around its origin.

Keep in mind that killcam warp forward is hardcoded to the smoke fx though, so you might end up with a bunch of smoke in your map after a killcam ends.

20th February 2018, 21:27
I deleted from iwd _callbacksetup.gsc because i checked, and gas grenade work without this gsc. I deleted superfluous files in hope that I will find the necessary..otherwise I do not know how

in callback file unclear what does grenade use

If this mod not have another class structure (HUD Elemets)for teams and I would have found differences and would have guessed what it is necessary to cut and add to usual Cod2

21st February 2018, 09:26
I'll will spend the whole day today and i will write out all the scripts related to grenade from all folders and files. Maybe someone fast a look after, when i finish and prompt the line where the script is responsible for "slowdeath" as said kung foo man. Ok, I'm starting...

21st February 2018, 09:48
I begin to disassemble this mod, its differently have this grenade is no possibility. As an experiment i deleted

and gas grenede STILL work in game, I think it's in scripts who are responsible for this.

I look in _weapons.gsc but not find script responsible for function

This is IWD have all folders and files for grenade but without script for damage



The GSC file that handles mustard gas damage is in _mc2\_mc2_mcFX:







There are 2 weapon files:



And both the weapon files use a single FX file:


I've no idea why they have four functions handling the damage. From what I've seen, the only difference between them is the name of the sWeapon. But you can handle that by stipulating the different names based on team:

monitorMustardGas( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime )
self endon("TimeToDie");
self endon("disconnect");
gastime = 10;
for(j = 0;j <= gastime;j++)
players = getentarray("player", "classname");
dst = distance(vPoint, players[i].origin);

//ALONG WITH THE GAS/SMOKE (~2ft per sec)

if( dst > 200 + (j * 20) || players[i].sessionstate != "playing" || !isAlive(players[i]) )

pcnt = 200 + (j * 20);
if(dst > pcnt * .75 ) // 0-25% dmg
iDamage = randomint(5);
else if(dst > pcnt * .5 && dst < pcnt * .75) // 25-50 % dmg
iDamage = 15 + randomint(5);
else if(dst > pcnt *.25 && dst < pcnt * .5) // 59-75% dmg
iDamage = 30 + randomint(5);
else if(dst < pcnt * .25) // 100% dmg
iDamage = 45 + randomint(5);

//vDir = undefined;
sMeansOfDeath = "MOD_UNKNOWN";

if( eAttacker.pers["team"] == "axis" )
sWeapon = "alliedgas_mp";
sWeapon = "axisgas_mp";

iDFlags = 1;

players[i] thread AlliedGasPlayer(eAttacker, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags , sMeansOfDeath , sWeapon, vPoint , undefined,"none",psOffsetTime);

21st February 2018, 11:28
Way: merc2v3_4pb_svr_.iwd/

1 folder. /character (nothing here)
2 folder. /codescripts (nothing here)
3 folder. /mptype (nothing here)

4 folder. /_mc2/
Copy of _mc2_special.gsc (maybe)
>.....upload later

pb.gsc (nothing)
_ammobox_allied.gsc (nothing)
_ammobox_axis.gsc (nothing)
_artillery.gsc (nothing) WOW, Tally took a part in the development this script..

_callbacksetup.gsc (maybe)
>.....upload later

_healthpacks.gsc (nothing)
_mc2_classes.gsc (nothing)

_mc2_gore.gsc (maybe)
>.....upload later

case "axisfire_mp":
case "fire_mp":
case "alliedgas_mp":
case "axisgas_mp":
return "specialnades";

//die extrawurst

_mc2_hud.gsc (nothing)

_mc2_init.gsc (maybe)
>.....upload later

_mc2_mcFX.gsc (maybe find) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>.....upload later


//Begin split
/* -----------------------------------------------------
eAttacker = owner of damage
vPoint = mustard gas grenade coords
---------------------------------------------------- */
AlliedMonitorMustardGas(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime)
self endon("TimeToDie");
self endon("disconnect");
gastime = 10;
for(j = 0;j <= gastime;j++)
players = getentarray("player", "classname");
dst = distance(vPoint, players[i].origin);

//ALONG WITH THE GAS/SMOKE (~2ft per sec)

if( dst > 200 + (j * 20) || players[i].sessionstate != "playing" || !isAlive(players[i]) )

pcnt = 200 + (j * 20);
if(dst > pcnt * .75 ) // 0-25% dmg
iDamage = randomint(5);
else if(dst > pcnt * .5 && dst < pcnt * .75) // 25-50 % dmg
iDamage = 15 + randomint(5);
else if(dst > pcnt *.25 && dst < pcnt * .5) // 59-75% dmg
iDamage = 30 + randomint(5);
else if(dst < pcnt * .25) // 100% dmg
iDamage = 45 + randomint(5);

//vDir = undefined;
sMeansOfDeath = "MOD_UNKNOWN";
sWeapon = "alliedgas_mp";
iDFlags = 1;

players[i] thread AlliedGasPlayer(eAttacker, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags , sMeansOfDeath , sWeapon, vPoint , undefined,"none",psOffsetTime);

and other script...

_mc2_models.gsc (nothing)
_mc2_payload.gsc (nothing)

_mc2_player.gsc (maybe)

if(level.scr_extragore && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_GRENADE" && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH")
else if(level.bloodfx==1)
switch (randomint(3))
case 0: playfx(level._effect["hit_extra1_mc"],vPoint,vDir);break;
case 1: playfx(level._effect["hit_extra2_mc"],vPoint,vDir);break;
case 2: playfx(level._effect["hit_extra3_mc"],vPoint,vDir);break;

_mc2_special.gsc (nothing)

_mc2_util.gsc (maybe)

if (isDefined(self.Painscreen))
self.Painscreen destroy();
if (isDefined(self.Painscreen2))
self.Painscreen2 destroy();
if (isDefined(self.bloodyscreen))
self.bloodyscreen destroy();
if (isDefined(self.bloodyscreen1))
self.bloodyscreen1 destroy();
if (isDefined(self.bloodyscreen2))
self.bloodyscreen2 destroy();

and other...

_mc2_vars.gsc (maybe) (Initialize the cvars )

_medkit_allied.gsc (nothing)
_medkit_axis.gsc (nothing)
_mortars.gsc (nothing)
_sprinting.gsc (nothing)

5 folder. /maps/mp/

mp_rhine.gsc (nothing)
_load.gsc (nothing)


it's i need gametypes
tdm.gsc (maybe)
dm.gsc (maybe)

if(isDefined(sWeapon) && sWeapon == "axisgas_mp"||sWeapon == "alliedgas_mp")
if(sWeapon == "alliedgas_mp" && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_MELEE")
if (!isDefined(vPoint))
vPoint = self.origin + (0,0,11);
if(isDefined(level.mustardgas) && level.mustardgas == vPoint)
level.mustardgas = vPoint;
level thread _mc2\_mc2_mcFX::AlliedMonitorMustardGas(eInflictor , eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, level.mustardgas, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime);
else if(sWeapon == "axisgas_mp" && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_MELEE")
if (!isDefined(vPoint))
vPoint = self.origin + (0,0,11);
if(isDefined(level.mustardgas) && level.mustardgas == vPoint)
level.mustardgas = vPoint;
level thread _mc2\_mc2_mcFX::AlliedMonitorMustardGas(eInflictor , eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, level.mustardgas, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime);



if(isDefined(sWeapon) && sWeapon == "axisgas_mp"||sWeapon == "alliedgas_mp")
if(sWeapon == "alliedgas_mp" && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_MELEE")
if (!isDefined(vPoint))
vPoint = self.origin + (0,0,11);
if(isDefined(level.mustardgas) && level.mustardgas == vPoint)
level.mustardgas = vPoint;
level thread _mc2\_mc2_mcFX::AlliedMonitorMustardGas(eInflictor , eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, level.mustardgas, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime);
else if(sWeapon == "axisgas_mp" && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_MELEE")
if (!isDefined(vPoint))
vPoint = self.origin + (0,0,11);
if(isDefined(level.mustardgas) && level.mustardgas == vPoint)
level.mustardgas = vPoint;
level thread _mc2\_mc2_mcFX::AlliedMonitorMustardGas(eInflictor , eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, level.mustardgas, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime);


_callbacksetup.gsc (maybe)
>.....upload later

if(!isDefined(self.scr) && sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_FLAME")
self thread _mc2\_mc2_util::scream("m");

level.scr_tkpunish = 0;

iDamage = 1;

if(sWeapon != "fire_mp" && sWeapon != "axisgas_mp" && sWeapon != "axisfire_mp" && sWeapon !="alliedgas_mp" && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_UNKNOWN")

_grenadeindicators.gsc (nothing)
_healthoverlay.gsc (nothing)
_hud_playerscore.gsc (nothing)
_hud_teamscore.gsc (nothing)
_menus.gsc (nothing)
_quickmessages.gsc (nothing)
_teams.gsc (nothing)
_weapons.gsc (maybe need "Class special weapons balanced")

21st February 2018, 11:42
Thank you Tally!

..omg, now it need to understand how to put everything together for one iwd to cut/collect/combine all files and scripts in one mod (gasgrenade)

continue to think.. and work

21st February 2018, 12:11
Maybe they have four functions handling the damage because they have a different range/distances of damage i think...or timing of damage

21st February 2018, 12:44
now, what i do. Look all script in _mc2_mcFX.gsc and change

in script
alliedgas_mp to smoke_grenade_german_mp, beacouse i will be use usual/original smoke grenade for change

In weapons/mp
alliedgas_mp file rename to smoke_grenade_german_mp and cut/past to new.iwd

and will see if _mc2_mcFX Redirect to loading other GSCs

21st February 2018, 13:40
now, what i do. Look all script in _mc2_mcFX.gsc and change

in script
alliedgas_mp to smoke_grenade_german_mp, beacouse i will be use usual/original smoke grenade for change

In weapons/mp
alliedgas_mp file rename to smoke_grenade_german_mp and cut/past to new.iwd

and will see if _mc2_mcFX Redirect to loading other GSCs

To start everything off, you need to edit each gametype file, and modify the callback_playerdamage() function:

Callback_PlayerDamage(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime)
if(self.sessionteam == "spectator")

if( isDefined(sWeapon) && sWeapon == "axisgas_mp"|| sWeapon == "alliedgas_mp" )
if(sWeapon == "alliedgas_mp" && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_MELEE")
if (!isDefined(vPoint))
vPoint = self.origin + (0,0,11);
if(isDefined(level.mustardgas) && level.mustardgas == vPoint)
level.mustardgas = vPoint;
level thread _mc2\_mc2_mcFX::AlliedMonitorMustardGas(eInflictor , eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, level.mustardgas, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime);
else if(sWeapon == "axisgas_mp" && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_MELEE")
if (!isDefined(vPoint))
vPoint = self.origin + (0,0,11);
if(isDefined(level.mustardgas) && level.mustardgas == vPoint)
level.mustardgas = vPoint;
level thread _mc2\_mc2_mcFX::AlliedMonitorMustardGas(eInflictor , eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, level.mustardgas, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime);


// Don't do knockback if the damage direction was not specified
iDFlags |= level.iDFLAGS_NO_KNOCKBACK;

friendly = undefined;

// check for completely getting out of the damage
if(!(iDFlags & level.iDFLAGS_NO_PROTECTION))
if(isPlayer(eAttacker) && (self != eAttacker) && (self.pers["team"] == eAttacker.pers["team"]))
if(level.friendlyfire == "0")
else if(level.friendlyfire == "1")
// Make sure at least one point of damage is done
if(iDamage < 1)
iDamage = 1;

self finishPlayerDamage(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime);

// Shellshock/Rumble
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_shellshock::shellshockOnDamage( sMeansOfDeath, iDamage);
self playrumble("damage_heavy");
else if(level.friendlyfire == "2")
eAttacker.friendlydamage = true;

iDamage = int(iDamage * .5);

// Make sure at least one point of damage is done
if(iDamage < 1)
iDamage = 1;

eAttacker finishPlayerDamage(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime);
eAttacker.friendlydamage = undefined;

friendly = true;
else if(level.friendlyfire == "3")
eAttacker.friendlydamage = true;

iDamage = int(iDamage * .5);

// Make sure at least one point of damage is done
if(iDamage < 1)
iDamage = 1;

self finishPlayerDamage(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime);
eAttacker finishPlayerDamage(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime);
eAttacker.friendlydamage = undefined;

friendly = true;

// Shellshock/Rumble
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_shellshock::shellshockOnDamage( sMeansOfDeath, iDamage);
self playrumble("damage_heavy");
// Make sure at least one point of damage is done
if(iDamage < 1)
iDamage = 1;

self finishPlayerDamage(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime);

// Shellshock/Rumble
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_shellshock::shellshockOnDamage( sMeansOfDeath, iDamage);
self playrumble("damage_heavy");

if(isdefined(eAttacker) && eAttacker != self)
eAttacker thread maps\mp\gametypes\_damagefeedback::updateDamageFee dback();

// Do debug print if it's enabled
println("client:" + self getEntityNumber() + " health:" + self.health +
" damage:" + iDamage + " hitLoc:" + sHitLoc);

if(self.sessionstate != "dead")
lpselfnum = self getEntityNumber();
lpselfname = self.name;
lpselfteam = self.pers["team"];
lpselfGuid = self getGuid();
lpattackerteam = "";

lpattacknum = eAttacker getEntityNumber();
lpattackGuid = eAttacker getGuid();
lpattackname = eAttacker.name;
lpattackerteam = eAttacker.pers["team"];
lpattacknum = -1;
lpattackGuid = "";
lpattackname = "";
lpattackerteam = "world";

lpattacknum = lpselfnum;
lpattackname = lpselfname;
lpattackGuid = lpselfGuid;

logPrint("D;" + lpselfGuid + ";" + lpselfnum + ";" + lpselfteam + ";" + lpselfname + ";" + lpattackGuid + ";" + lpattacknum + ";" + lpattackerteam + ";" + lpattackname + ";" + sWeapon + ";" + iDamage + ";" + sMeansOfDeath + ";" + sHitLoc + "\n");

As you can see from this, the code looks for either alliedgas_mp or axisgas_mp weapon files, and starts threading to your mustardgas functions.

21st February 2018, 14:00
add to new.iwd/_mc2/_mc2_util.gsc (maybe need edit)

because have find in code in _mc2_mcFX.gsc, this:

if(!isDefined(self.puked) && randomint(100) > 70) //30% chance to puke
playfxontag (level._effect["puke"], self, "j_Head");

21st February 2018, 14:33

Olmost finish but now need copy from original cod2: dm.gsc and tdm.gsc
beacouse in merc2V3_4pb this files configured to run unnecessary threads

and insert the callback_playerdamage() scripts and modify

21st February 2018, 15:10
Did not add to dm.gsc tdm.gsc:

self _mc2\_mc2_player::_mc2_PlayerDamage(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime);

and _mc2/_mc2_player.gsc file

///maybe needed///

continue edit...

21st February 2018, 15:14
Did not add to dm.gsc tdm.gsc:

self _mc2\_mc2_player::_mc2_PlayerDamage(eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime);

and _mc2/_mc2_player.gsc file

///maybe needed///

continue edit...

I've done a complete mustard gas mod for you. All the files from the merciless mod are in there, plus some files that were missing. Please see the attachment.

I've only done TDM gametype. You will have to edit all the other gametype files as well.

21st February 2018, 16:03
Wow, Tally Thank You!! thank you very much!! simply from the heart

I just finish my and a wanted to check what I got, I know there will be many errors.

I sit all day, I do not see the letters already, omg...

I go to check..

21st February 2018, 16:21
Tested and worked!!

Works even my iwd) thanks to you!

We forgot only to add the sound/mustard. I hear not all mustard sounds

And sound/weapons/mustard_gas.wav - Can not hear. This is the hiss of a grenade

It is necessary to search for the missing code. again, all files are reviewed needed, i will start again..

21st February 2018, 17:10
I copy full folders sound and soundaliases. Now i hear mustard_gas.wav - maybe Hiss in iw_multiplayer2.csv.

But - puke_1.wav, puke_2.wav, puke_splash.wav I do not hear anyway. I will look for

21st February 2018, 17:35
I think I understand iw_multiplayer2.csv not have puke(s).wav's code i find codes in _mc2.csv

I go to try compile...

21st February 2018, 17:38
I think I understand iw_multiplayer2.csv not have puke(s).wav's code i find codes in _mc2.csv

I go to try compile...

I just checked the soundalias file and there was a problem with the header info matching the entries. So, I fixed it. Please download from the attachment and test again.

21st February 2018, 18:27
there is no sound with fix. puke_1.wav, puke_2.wav, puke_splash.wav - not hear

I try too rename _mc2.csv (this have all sound codes) to mustardgas.csv - did not help
And add (#PUKE...,#splash..) to iw_multiplayer2.csv - not help too

I think we should to look in other files. I will open all the files and search puke_1... maybe can find where it's written to run

21st February 2018, 18:43
there is no sound with fix. puke_1.wav, puke_2.wav, puke_splash.wav - not hear

I try too rename _mc2.csv (this have all sound codes) to mustardgas.csv - did not help
And add (#PUKE...,#splash..) to iw_multiplayer2.csv - not help too

I think we should to look in other files. I will open all the files and search puke_1... maybe can find where it's written to run

You can't use my soundalias file with the one from merciless mod, because they use the same sound alias names. You are probably getting errors in console_mp.log file telling you of the conflict. Use the one from merciless only. Not both together.

The whole point of my "stand-alone" version was so you didn't need to use anything from merciless. It's a bit pointless me doing all this work if you are only going to use the merciless mod after all.

21st February 2018, 19:07
No,no, i dont wont to use the merciless mod his not interesting for me but have some good idea. I will combine many separately ("stand-alone") mods and place in main folder for original cod2, If necessary, i can remove or supplement something it is much more convenient.

I combine all good idea/mods based on ZZZ_ALLWEAPONS_V1.4 or older, older is better. And I already downloaded and combine/made different grenades for everything Teams, it is diverse and look good in battles
with the exception of gasgrenade

21st February 2018, 19:19
I've reviewed all the files and other code (at least a line) for puke.wav did not find it. This code only in soundaliases/_mc2.csv, codes which needed to be moved to mustardgas.csv

I do not know what else can move to make the two wav files run. Jet from the vort can be seen but there is no sound

21st February 2018, 19:46
Finally I will try look again dm and tdm.gsc maybe have missed something. And we will finish on that, overall it works, it was good day for me, thanks to you

21st February 2018, 20:08
After i needed to figure out how to connect gasgrenade to allweapons mod, in order to files do not have conflict. I'll do it later, I still need to edit one function to one weapon, it very hardly but i began to understand a little bit..

21st February 2018, 20:11
I've reviewed all the files and other code (at least a line) for puke.wav did not find it. This code only in soundaliases/_mc2.csv, codes which needed to be moved to mustardgas.csv

I do not know what else can move to make the two wav files run. Jet from the vort can be seen but there is no sound

I'm not clear what you are trying to do, or what the problem is. The stand-alone mod I did for you does not use puke.wav. It only uses puke_1.wav and puke_2.wav. Both of these are handled in the sounalias file under "puker":


So, you don't need puke.wav. I'm not even sure where you got that file from, it's not in the merciless mod.

As far as I'm concerned, the mod works fine. All the sounds play as they should. If you are still having problems, you must have a conflict somewhere in your mod. The skill of a true modder is the ability to figure out where those type of conflicts are, and then solve them.

21st February 2018, 20:18
sorry not added "1" in puke.wav when writing here. The problem is that I do not hear in game puke_1.wav and puke_2.wav played

Repeated many times the throw of a grenade but the sounds do not play

The player only coughs and breathes hard

21st February 2018, 20:21
I've been sitting all day with this mod and I'm a little tired, sorry

21st February 2018, 20:45
Okay, I found the problem - there was a function which needed to be threaded because it lead to a loop.

Try this instead:

gasPlayer( eAttacker, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime )
self endon( "killed_player" );
self endon( "disconnect" );

if( !isDefined( self.gassed ) )
if(iDamage <= 5)
len = .25*2;
else if(iDamage >=5 && iDamage < 10)
len = .45*2;
else if(iDamage >= 10 && iDamage < 15)
len = .75*2;
else if(iDamage >= 15)
len = 1*2; //4
self shellshock( "mc_mustard", len );

self.gassed = 1;

if( !isDefined( self.puked ) && randomint( 100 ) > 70 ) //30% chance to puke
if( !isDefined( self.scr ) )
if( !isDefined( self.scr ) )
self scream( "p" );

self.puked = 1;

playfxontag( level._effect["puke"], self, "j_Head" );
self thread forceto( "crouch" );
if( randomint( 100 ) > 70 )
if( !isDefined( self.scr) )
self thread scream( "h" );
if( !isDefined( self.scr ) )
self scream( "mc" );

if( self.health - iDamage <= 0 )
self finishPlayerDamage( eAttacker, eAttacker, 5, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, (self.origin + (0,0,-300)), vDir, sHitLoc,psOffsetTime );
self.health = self.health -iDamage;

if( isAlive( self ) )
self thread waittoDie();

self endon( "disconnect" );

self waittill( "killed_player" );

self.gassed = undefined;
self.puked = undefined;
self.scr = undefined;

Don't forget the new function waittoDie(), as that undefines some player flags.

21st February 2018, 20:45
Tally, you're right! I reinstall tommorow cod2, maybe while i work i something change in main folder..

21st February 2018, 20:48

"as that undefines some player flags" not understand what it that

kung foo man
21st February 2018, 21:08
self endon( "disconnect" );

self waittill( "killed_player" );

self.gassed = undefined;
self.puked = undefined;
self.scr = undefined;

Tally refers to the flags gassed/puked/scr, so other functions can depend on if (isDefined( player.gassed )) e.g.

21st February 2018, 21:16
Yep, kung fu said it. You have to undefine self.gassed, self.puked, and self.scr (all of these are called "player flags" in COD, or structs if you know programming), otherwise when you die and get gassed again, none of the effects work again.

21st February 2018, 21:17
Got Error.

Now I'll look for how to copy an error from the console

21st February 2018, 21:22
I do not understand the programming, I read and something can be done sometimes not.

I'm going to sit still half a day with this flags )

omg, ok i will be reading the codes again

21st February 2018, 21:26
I'am just happy Tally have a found a problem, because it's was hard to explain in English, ok, i will continue to work

21st February 2018, 22:23

Loading 'ui_mp/settings_sw.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/background.menu'...
Working directory: D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: mp_railyard
----- FS_Startup -----
Current language: russian
Current search path:
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\zz_mustardgas.iwd (989 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\v_mansion.iwd (22 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_survival_1.iwd (17 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_shipment.iwd (520 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_rust.iwd (291 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_peepsqueaks.iwd (24 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_moon.iwd (29 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_its.iwd (65 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_icehen_night.iwd (44 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_eternityv2.iwd (26 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_draguignan.iwd (33 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_blockarena.iwd (38 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_15.iwd (85 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_14.iwd (4038 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_13.iwd (22624 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_12.iwd (1016 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_11.iwd (1462 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_10.iwd (1936 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_09.iwd (2142 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_08.iwd (2723 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_07.iwd (3384 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_06.iwd (990 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_05.iwd (928 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_04.iwd (698 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_03.iwd (26 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_02.iwd (40 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_01.iwd (16 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_00.iwd (102 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\gob_icestation.iwd (17 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2/main
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2/raw
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2/raw_shared
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2/devraw
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2/devraw_shared
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw13.iwd (13 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw12.iwd (238 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw11.iwd (32 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw10.iwd (414 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw09.iwd (98 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw08.iwd (8 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw07.iwd (1026 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw06.iwd (3185 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw05.iwd (5502 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw04.iwd (6443 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw03.iwd (6583 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw02.iwd (7169 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw01.iwd (5513 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw00.iwd (4764 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian

File Handles:
170626 files in iwd files
----- R_Init -----
DirectX reports 2048 MB of video memory and 2684 MB of available texture memory.
Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 2032 MB.
Texture detail is set automatically.
Using picmip 0 on most textures, 0 on normal maps, and 0 on specular maps
ERROR: Sound alias file iw_multiplayer2.csv: missing 'name' and/or 'file' columns
Loading 'ui_mp/main.menu'...
ERROR: Couldn't find material 'ui/assets/gradientbar2.tga'
WARNING: Could not find material 'ui/assets/gradientbar2.tga'
Error: file ui_mp/main.menu, line 919: can't read token
Loading 'ui_mp/options.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_look.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_move.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_shoot.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_misc.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_graphics.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_game.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_sound.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_view.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/options_voice.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_defaults.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_credits.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_control_defaults.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_graphics_defaults.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/options_multi.menu'...
Loading 'ui/playerprofile.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/vid_restart.menu'...
Loading 'ui/language_restart.menu'...
Loading 'ui/snd_restart.menu'...
Loading 'ui/rec_restart.menu'...
Loading 'ui/quit.menu'...
Loading 'ui/error.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/multi.menu'...
ERROR: Couldn't find material 'ui/assets/fadebox.tga'
WARNING: Could not find material 'ui/assets/fadebox.tga'
Loading 'ui_mp/joinserver.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/createserver.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/pb_popmenus.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/cdkey.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/mods.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/connect.menu'...
WARNING: Could not find material '$levelbriefing'
Loading 'ui_mp/password.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/single_player.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/serverinfo.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/createfavorite.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/filter.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/in_rec_restart.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/auto_update.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/settings_dm.menu'...
Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_dm.menu, line 83: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_dm.menu, line 84: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_dm.menu, line 105: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_dm.menu, line 106: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Loading 'ui_mp/settings_tdm.menu'...
Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_tdm.menu, line 79: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_tdm.menu, line 80: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_tdm.menu, line 101: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_tdm.menu, line 102: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Loading 'ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu'...
Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 79: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 80: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 101: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 102: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Loading 'ui_mp/settings_hq.menu'...
Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 79: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 80: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 101: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 102: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Loading 'ui_mp/settings_sd.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/settings_sw.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/background.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame_controls.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame_options.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame_system.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame_leave.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame_callvote.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu'...
ERROR: Sound alias file iw_multiplayer2.csv: missing 'name' and/or 'file' columns
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: Call of Duty 2
gamedate: May 1 2006

******* script compile error *******
bad syntax

ERROR: script compile error
(see console for details)
----- Server Shutdown -----
==== ShutdownGame ====
----- R_Init -----
DirectX reports 2048 MB of video memory and 2684 MB of available texture memory.
Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 2032 MB.
Texture detail is set automatically.
Using picmip 0 on most textures, 0 on normal maps, and 0 on specular maps
ERROR: Sound alias file iw_multiplayer2.csv: missing 'name' and/or 'file' columns
Loading 'ui_mp/main.menu'...
ERROR: Couldn't find material 'ui/assets/gradientbar2.tga'
WARNING: Could not find material 'ui/assets/gradientbar2.tga'
Error: file ui_mp/main.menu, line 919: can't read token
Loading 'ui_mp/options.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_look.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_move.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_shoot.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_misc.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_graphics.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_game.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_sound.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_view.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/options_voice.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_defaults.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_credits.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_control_defaults.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_graphics_defaults.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/options_multi.menu'...
Loading 'ui/playerprofile.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/vid_restart.menu'...
Loading 'ui/language_restart.menu'...
Loading 'ui/snd_restart.menu'...
Loading 'ui/rec_restart.menu'...
Loading 'ui/quit.menu'...
Loading 'ui/error.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/multi.menu'...
ERROR: Couldn't find material 'ui/assets/fadebox.tga'
WARNING: Could not find material 'ui/assets/fadebox.tga'
Loading 'ui_mp/joinserver.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/createserver.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/pb_popmenus.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/cdkey.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/mods.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/connect.menu'...
WARNING: Could not find material '$levelbriefing'
Loading 'ui_mp/password.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/single_player.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/serverinfo.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/createfavorite.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/filter.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/in_rec_restart.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/auto_update.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/settings_dm.menu'...
Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_dm.menu, line 83: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_dm.menu, line 84: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_dm.menu, line 105: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_dm.menu, line 106: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Loading 'ui_mp/settings_tdm.menu'...
Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_tdm.menu, line 79: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_tdm.menu, line 80: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_tdm.menu, line 101: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_tdm.menu, line 102: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Loading 'ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu'...
Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 79: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 80: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 101: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 102: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Loading 'ui_mp/settings_hq.menu'...
Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 79: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 80: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 101: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 102: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Loading 'ui_mp/settings_sd.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/settings_sw.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/background.menu'...
Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: 0
Recovering lost device...
Initializing render targets...
Requested frame buffer to be 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
DirectX returned a frame buffer that is 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
Initializing static model cache...
Initializing dynamic buffers...
Initializing particle cloud buffer...
Creating Direct3D queries...
Setting initial state...
Finished recovering lost device.
]/Condump ERROR.txt
Dumped console text to ERROR.txt.

21st February 2018, 22:31
This is console script without the last editing, with this works

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 79: Attempting to change type
from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 80: Attempting to change type
from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 101: Attempting to change type
from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 102: Attempting to change type
from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Loading 'ui_mp/settings_hq.menu'...
Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 79: Attempting to change type
from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 80: Attempting to change type
from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 101: Attempting to change type
from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 102: Attempting to change type
from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Loading 'ui_mp/settings_sd.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/settings_sw.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/background.menu'...
Working directory: D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: mp_railyard
----- FS_Startup -----
Current language: russian
Current search path:
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\zz_mustardgas.iwd (989 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\v_mansion.iwd (22 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_survival_1.iwd (17 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_shipment.iwd (520 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_rust.iwd (291 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_peepsqueaks.iwd (24 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_moon.iwd (29 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_its.iwd (65 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_icehen_night.iwd (44 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_eternityv2.iwd (26 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_draguignan.iwd (33 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\mp_blockarena.iwd (38 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_15.iwd (85 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_14.iwd (4038 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_13.iwd (22624 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_12.iwd (1016 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_11.iwd (1462 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_10.iwd (1936 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_09.iwd (2142 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_08.iwd (2723 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_07.iwd (3384 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_06.iwd (990 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_05.iwd (928 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_04.iwd (698 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_03.iwd (26 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_02.iwd (40 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_01.iwd (16 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_00.iwd (102 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\gob_icestation.iwd (17 files)
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2/main
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2/raw
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2/raw_shared
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2/devraw
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2/devraw_shared
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw13.iwd (13 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw12.iwd (238 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw11.iwd (32 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw10.iwd (414 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw09.iwd (98 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw08.iwd (8 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw07.iwd (1026 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw06.iwd (3185 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw05.iwd (5502 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw04.iwd (6443 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw03.iwd (6583 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw02.iwd (7169 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw01.iwd (5513 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian
D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\main\localized_russian_iw00.iwd (4764 files)
localized assets iwd file for russian

File Handles:
170626 files in iwd files
----- R_Init -----
DirectX reports 2048 MB of video memory and 2684 MB of available texture memory.
Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 2032 MB.
Texture detail is set automatically.
Using picmip 0 on most textures, 0 on normal maps, and 0 on specular maps
ERROR: Sound alias file iw_multiplayer2.csv: missing 'name' and/or 'file' columns
Loading 'ui_mp/main.menu'...
ERROR: Couldn't find material 'ui/assets/gradientbar2.tga'
WARNING: Could not find material 'ui/assets/gradientbar2.tga'
Error: file ui_mp/main.menu, line 919: can't read token
Loading 'ui_mp/options.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_look.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_move.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_shoot.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_misc.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_graphics.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_game.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_sound.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_view.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/options_voice.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_defaults.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_credits.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_control_defaults.menu'...
Loading 'ui/options_graphics_defaults.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/options_multi.menu'...
Loading 'ui/playerprofile.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/vid_restart.menu'...
Loading 'ui/language_restart.menu'...
Loading 'ui/snd_restart.menu'...
Loading 'ui/rec_restart.menu'...
Loading 'ui/quit.menu'...
Loading 'ui/error.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/multi.menu'...
ERROR: Couldn't find material 'ui/assets/fadebox.tga'
WARNING: Could not find material 'ui/assets/fadebox.tga'
Loading 'ui_mp/joinserver.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/createserver.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/pb_popmenus.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/cdkey.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/mods.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/connect.menu'...
WARNING: Could not find material '$levelbriefing'
Loading 'ui_mp/password.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/single_player.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/serverinfo.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/createfavorite.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/filter.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/in_rec_restart.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/auto_update.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/settings_dm.menu'...
Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_dm.menu, line 83: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_dm.menu, line 84: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_dm.menu, line 105: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_dm.menu, line 106: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Loading 'ui_mp/settings_tdm.menu'...
Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_tdm.menu, line 79: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_tdm.menu, line 80: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_tdm.menu, line 101: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_tdm.menu, line 102: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Loading 'ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu'...
Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 79: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 80: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 101: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_ctf.menu, line 102: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Loading 'ui_mp/settings_hq.menu'...
Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 79: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 80: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 101: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Menu load error: ui_mp/settings_hq.menu, line 102: Attempting to change type from 0 to 9.
Move the type definition higher up in the itemDef.

Loading 'ui_mp/settings_sd.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/settings_sw.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/background.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame_controls.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame_options.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame_system.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame_leave.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/ingame_callvote.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/wm_quickmessage.menu'...
ERROR: Sound alias file iw_multiplayer2.csv: missing 'name' and/or 'file' columns
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: Call of Duty 2
gamedate: May 1 2006
Info string length exceeded
key: 'sv_referencedIwdNames'
value: 'main/zz_mustardgas main/v_mansion main/mp_survival_1 main/mp_shipment main/mp_rust main/mp_peepsqueaks main/mp_moon main/mp_its main/mp_icehen_night main/mp_eternityv2 main/mp_draguignan
main/mp_blockarena main/iw_15 main/iw_14 main/iw_13 main/iw_12 main/iw_11 main/iw_10 main/iw_09 main/iw_08 main/iw_07 main/iw_06 main/iw_05 main/iw_04 main/iw_00 main/gob_icestation
main/localized_russian_iw13 main/localized_russian_iw11 main/localized_russian_iw10'
Info string:
\bg_fallDamageMaxHeight\480\bg_fallDamageMinHeight \256\g_synchronousClients\0\sv_cheats\0\sv_disable ClientConsole\0\sv_iwdNames\zz_mustardgas v_mansion mp_survival_1 mp_shipment mp_rust mp_peepsqueaks
mp_moon mp_its mp_icehen_night mp_eternityv2 mp_draguignan mp_blockarena iw_15 iw_14 iw_13 iw_12 iw_11 iw_10 iw_09 iw_08 iw_07 iw_06 iw_05 iw_04 iw_03 iw_02 iw_01 iw_00 gob_icestation\sv_iwds\2013128840
1750427139 589487571 897584972 1076085087 -1090095014 1376399185 860219651 -1978287049 -2143056024 1178923404 2018017894 181429573 -1449716526 780394069 -1333623355 -1980843666 1334775335 -621896007
1101180720 1046874969 1053665859 1842349204 -1652414412 1659111092 -1085686032 -2025394354 178615151 1297520050 \sv_pure\1
Info string length exceeded
key: 'sv_referencedIwds'
value: '2013128840 1750427139 589487571 897584972 1076085087 -1090095014 1376399185 860219651 -1978287049 -2143056024 1178923404 2018017894 181429573 -1449716526 780394069 -1333623355 -1980843666
1334775335 -621896007 1101180720 1046874969 1053665859 1842349204 -1652414412 178615151 1297520050 -403361898 968971441 -944363896 '
Info string:
\bg_fallDamageMaxHeight\480\bg_fallDamageMinHeight \256\g_synchronousClients\0\sv_cheats\0\sv_disable ClientConsole\0\sv_iwdNames\zz_mustardgas v_mansion mp_survival_1 mp_shipment mp_rust mp_peepsqueaks
mp_moon mp_its mp_icehen_night mp_eternityv2 mp_draguignan mp_blockarena iw_15 iw_14 iw_13 iw_12 iw_11 iw_10 iw_09 iw_08 iw_07 iw_06 iw_05 iw_04 iw_03 iw_02 iw_01 iw_00 gob_icestation\sv_iwds\2013128840
1750427139 589487571 897584972 1076085087 -1090095014 1376399185 860219651 -1978287049 -2143056024 1178923404 2018017894 181429573 -1449716526 780394069 -1333623355 -1980843666 1334775335 -621896007
1101180720 1046874969 1053665859 1842349204 -1652414412 1659111092 -1085686032 -2025394354 178615151 1297520050 \sv_pure\1
PunkBuster Server: 0 Aliases Written to pbalias.dat
PunkBuster Server: 0 Stat Records Written to pbstat.dat
PunkBuster Server: Preparing to Disable
PB Server... (D:\DEL\Call of Duty 2\pb\)
Connecting player #0 has a zero GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for (num 0 guid 0)
LOADING... collision map
LOADING... graphics
LOADING... maps/mp/mp_railyard.d3dbsp
Loading materials...
Loading sun settings...
Loading lightmaps...
2 merged lightmaps from 3 original lightmaps
Loading lightgrid coefficients...
Loading lightgrid hash...
Loading surfaces...
Loading cull groups...
Loading cull group indices...
Loading portal vertices...
Loading occluders...
Loading occluder indices...
Loading AABB trees...
Loading cells...
Loading portals...
Loading nodes and leafs...
Loading submodels...
Loading entities...
LOADING... sound aliases
LOADING... game media
---------- Fx System Initialization ---------
----- Fx System Initialization Complete -----
LOADING... - textures
LOADING... - models
LOADING... - items
LOADING... - inline models
LOADING... - server models
WARNING: unknown dvar 'cg_shock_viewKickFadeTime' in file '0.05'
WARNING: unknown dvar 'cg_shock_viewKickFadeTime' in file '0.5'
WARNING: unknown dvar 'cg_shock_viewKickFadeTime' in file '0'
LOADING... - game media done
LOADING... sounds
LOADING... clients
Loading 'ui_mp/hud.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/ingame.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/team_russiangerman.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/weapon_russian.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/weapon_german.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/serverinfo_tdm.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/callvote.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/muteplayer.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/quickcommands.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/quickstatements.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/quickresponses.menu'...
Loading 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/clientcmd.menu'...
CL_InitCGame: 4.54 seconds
Com_TouchMemory: 2 msec. Using sum: -397294403
Playing smoke grenades at time 1350
Done with smoke grenades, now warping FX time to current time 1350
Игрок Unknown Soldier подключен.
Игрок Unknown Soldier сражается на стороне сил Оси.
яяя,, ™™™Unknown Soldier
Com_TouchMemory: 3 msec. Using sum: -464507113
Recovering lost device...
Initializing render targets...
Requested frame buffer to be 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
DirectX returned a frame buffer that is 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
Initializing static model cache...
Initializing dynamic buffers...
Initializing particle cloud buffer...
Creating Direct3D queries...
Setting initial state...
Finished recovering lost device.
]/Condump worked.txt
Dumped console text to worked.txt.

21st February 2018, 23:10
I change and add new function waittoDie() too. I do not know what happend. I find difference, maybe at the end of code someting wrong...


if( self.health - iDamage <= 0 )
self finishPlayerDamage( eAttacker, eAttacker, 5, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, (self.origin + (0,0,-300)), vDir, sHitLoc,psOffsetTime );
self.health = self.health -iDamage;

if( isAlive( self ) )
if( isDefined( self.gassed ) )
self.gassed = undefined;


In new code:
if( isAlive( self ) )
self thread waittoDie();

And what do it with that:
if( isDefined( self.gassed ) )
self.gassed = undefined;

tried to change places, because have new code, and this one or not needed or need to place it correctly. I was confused in this

self endon( "disconnect" );

self waittill( "killed_player" );

self.gassed = undefined;
self.puked = undefined;
self.scr = undefined;

21st February 2018, 23:19
Or let's leave it as it is...I'm not gonna figure it out anymore. I'm sure with two other wav files will be better and more emotionally but do not get'it

22nd February 2018, 08:08
Or let's leave it as it is...I'm not gonna figure it out anymore. I'm sure with two other wav files will be better and more emotionally but do not get'it

I've attached a second complete working one, where the puke sounds work as well. Please see attachment.

If you still get errors, zip your mod up and attach it to your next post. I'll download it and have a look.

22nd February 2018, 08:57
Tally, everything is working! now, thank you very much for your work, i really appreciate your help, thank you! now i have a complete set of different grenades for teams.

By this method, can cut artillery strike from this mod ? artillery strike i have not seen separately (stand-alone version) I will try..

22nd February 2018, 09:06
Tally, everything is working! now, thank you very much for your work, i really appreciate your help, thank you! now i have a complete set of different grenades for teams.

By this method, can cut artillery strike from this mod ? artillery strike i have not seen separately (stand-alone version) I will try..

An artillery strike mod is fairly simple. I'll do a stand-alone one later and add a download for you.


It has just occurred to me - how do you want the artillery to start and to who do you want it given? Most of the older artillery mods had a rank system, and when they get to the right rank, they get artillery strikes. But lately, everyone starts them with a killstrike. So, which do you want - killstrike or rank?

22nd February 2018, 09:18
Thank you!
I wanted to do something more difficult today, or not difficult but looking for who. But this is an initially important upgrade. I wanted to add a new function to the one weapon. I will create a new topic for this, it will be interesting for all i think, if can help understand, I'll be very grateful to you, and i already feel that I am very much obliged to help...

22nd February 2018, 10:01
Like in this mod, after every 1:30 (min:sec) without ranks for all teams.

I think with ranks it's for professionals gamers. And novices will be always outsiders..

The Ranks are fashionable to boast at the end of the game, I think (just for cool) I have ranks mod, found and Hardly combine it..

22nd February 2018, 12:22
...'who do you want it given'

I wont to add to casual (origial) COD2 for Multiplayer DM & TDM

22nd February 2018, 13:38
I have to go out on business unexpectedly, but I will get to it once I get back this evening (It is currently 2.30 pm here in the UK).

22nd February 2018, 14:41
ok, have a nice day and business! I just started watching another mod

23rd February 2018, 11:09
Okay, here it is. Sorry it's late but I've been busy.

See the attachment.

Again, as before, I've used TDM gametype to start it all off. Just look for //--- Artillery ---// in the code and that will be where I've added things.

23rd February 2018, 13:31
This is for Bots ? or for TDM without and TDM with Bots.

But does not work not with bots and without in original COD2

I look through binoculars after 1:30 And press the USE button and nothing happens..

And there is no timer "1:30" in the right side. Screen: 1422

This is screen from Merciless not from my 'original' COD2,

23rd February 2018, 14:04
This is for Bots ? or for TDM without and TDM with Bots.

It's a standalone artillery mod using TDM gametype as the file to start the _artillery.gsc functions. Which is what you asked for. I had to put in my bot mod because it is impossible to test it without them. But you can just remove it.

And there is no timer "1:30" in the right side.

I did not use your merciless mod. I made a stand-alone artillery mod I wrote about 10 years ago. My version does not use a timer. Hence, why you don't see one.

In my version of artillery, you get it only when you get the required amount of kills (default = 3). Then, you get notified that you can use your binoculars to target the enemy. At the top of _artillery.gsc is the default number of kills, which is set to 3. If you want that higher or lower, then edit the number as required.

You cannot have every player getting artillery by default when they spawn. The map will just be constant artillery fire all the time. It is much better having it as a killstreak. That way, you stagger the number of times artillery is going to go off on the server.


LOL I just looked at the code used in the merciless mod. It is mine, and they give me credit at the top. That was nice!

I trigger my artillery via a killstreak, whereas the merciless mod has it for all engineers all the time. Endless triggering of artillery. They can fire it over and over again, without limits. I do not think that is a good design. In fact it is shockingly bad in design. No thought for server balance.

23rd February 2018, 14:40
it's very a pity, I was hoping that you will be able to cut with timer. I create a server for beginners for use all possibilities for fun. When i played 'Merciless' I looked constantly for a timer to get artillery and this expectation was pleasant to me, i feel that soon I'll be lucky. The timer gives a lot of interest and the
every 1:30 possibility of using artillery makes the server fun and not tense for collecting the kills (frags).

23rd February 2018, 14:52
it's very a pity, I was hoping that you will be able to cut with timer. I create a server for beginners for use all possibilities for fun. When i played 'Merciless' I looked constantly for a timer to get artillery and this expectation was pleasant to me, i feel that soon I'll be lucky. The timer gives a lot of interest and the
every 1:30 possibility of using artillery makes the server fun and not tense for collecting the kills (frags).

I've attached an edited version of the merciless _artillery.gsc file, which will give every player artillery on spawn. All I did is remove the class system, so every player can have artillery.

Just replace the _artillery.gsc file I gave you earlier.

23rd February 2018, 15:33
Tally, super!! it's worked! Thank you!!

First I got an error, l look'ed in console.. fixed

I add _mc2/_artillery.gsc (folder/file) to zz_artillery.iwd And Timer was worked!! became visible

And i add materials/gfx/icons/hud@artillery and hud@icon_bullet - icons are not visible, can you fix ? someting in scripts..

screen: 1424

23rd February 2018, 15:39
It's almost complete: 1425 Without bullet icon

23rd February 2018, 16:25
You had a lot of materials files without the IWI files to go with them. Hence, why you were getting errors. I've removed all of the unwanted materials files, and just left you the bullet one.

Anyway, download the new version. I moved _artillery.gsc out of the _MC2 folder and into maps\mp\gametypes.

23rd February 2018, 16:26
I'll go to try find icon_bullet in some gsc's


23rd February 2018, 16:31
I'll go to try find icon_bullet in some gsc's


Should be referenced in the weapon files, not in gsc.

23rd February 2018, 16:32
Should be referenced in the weapon files, not in gsc.

No, it's for a hud element.

23rd February 2018, 16:33
I'll go to try find icon_bullet in some gsc's


No need. I've remade it, and it's included in the download.


I've found some problems with the merciless mod - there is no binocular hint and no artillery bomb model falling from the sky. I'll re-make the mod again and put them back in.

23rd February 2018, 16:40
I thought they would not interfere, so they did not delete. In first run i not have _artillery.gsc in zz_artillery.iwd and i got an error can not load.. without this file and i added him.

icon_bullet visible in new_artillery.zip ) !! Wow Coo!! Thank You Tally

23rd February 2018, 16:45
No need. I've remade it, and it's included in the download.


I've found some problems with the merciless mod - there is no binocular hint and no artillery bomb model falling from the sky. I'll re-make the mod again and put them back in.

I did not notice this. This mod is new for me...Now I'll look again.

23rd February 2018, 17:01
Yes, exactly! i see only the explosions at the bottom on the ground. And there is no binocular hint. Maybe it need added some fx textures..

23rd February 2018, 17:15
Yes, exactly! i see only the explosions at the bottom on the ground. And there is no binocular hint. Maybe it need added some fx textures..

Nope, there was no code to create a binocular hint. And there was no code for a falling bomb model.

Anyway, all done. Download the latest version.

23rd February 2018, 17:41
It's impossible cool !! :) The game has become much more interesting, when the falling shells became visible immediately began to think about sprint mod ) to escape from shells. Finally something new appeared in MP game

Thank you very much !!! I owe you

23rd August 2020, 12:55
I have a question to mustardgas

How can I set the gas grenade damage to a higher level. I want the gas grenade if it explodes on the player he is dead immediately. Since it is too weak now, he runs away and does not die.

Which setting do I have to change?
