View Full Version : Max ammo mismatch for "mp40" ammo: 'mpl_mp" set it to 320

7th February 2018, 11:02
What is usually the solution?


Error during initialization:
Max ammo mismatch for "mp40" ammo: 'mpl_mp" set it to 320,
but "fast_mp40_mp" already set it to 192

7th February 2018, 19:23
rename the ammoname and clipname

7th February 2018, 19:29

7th February 2018, 22:27
Error during initialization:
Max ammo mismatch for "mp40" ammo: 'mpl_mp" set it to 320,
but "fast_mp40_mp" already set it to 192

Seriously, learn to read.

There's a mismatch between the ammocount for your ammo called "mp40". Two weaponfiles use this ammocount (mpl_mp and fast_mp40_mp) and they set it to different values (320 and 192).

Fix it by 1) deleting one of the weaponfiles 2) changing one of the ammo counts or 3) changing the ammo name on one of them.

Seriously, once you read it it's not that hard.