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View Full Version : lagging while respawning on tdm servers

20th October 2017, 18:48
hi , there is a magic to fix that ? specially when server have 30+ players, respawning makes lag so much. ty for help

21st October 2017, 08:15
hi , there is a magic to fix that ? specially when server have 30+ players, respawning makes lag so much. ty for help

There might be script runtime errors in the console log that could solve the lag.

What does the console log say when the server has 30+ players?
Are you running any mods?
What kind of specifications does your server have?

21st October 2017, 08:50
i am using voron00's libcod, running my own mod for tdm and pam mod for sd server. there are also lag on sd server while round starting bcs of all players respawning in same time. but its not important. i dont have any cpu problem. i think its a global problem lagging while so much respawning ?

There might be script runtime errors in the console log that could solve the lag.

don't have .

21st October 2017, 09:28
You proably doing too many servercommands durning a player spawn. Any iprintln/localsound/setclientcvar adds a servercommand. Try not to exceed a 5-6 server commands in a frame, otherwise it can cause lag when there are many players on server. You can check how many commands you are reveiving with cg_drawSnapshot 1

Also it can be a slow cpu core since cod2 is single core only.

Also it can be too many code executed on player spawn with your mods.

Also it can be some script runtime errors as Mitch said above.

Also it can be pretty standard archivedtime lag which is caused by the killcam, this stuff has always been laggy, nothing can be done with it.

21st October 2017, 11:00
Set your client rate higher (/rate 25000 for example)

2nd November 2017, 06:22
everything is fine what all of you write in above . cod2 uses less than %50 cpu in single core when there are 40 players even . seems like nothing we can do about it except disabling nades. i fixed my problem with disabling nades while there 26+ players also it leads better gameplay. thank you all