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View Full Version : Strange thing about map

10th October 2017, 21:55
One map when begins says Don't bug, 5 times and I can move like usualy.
What's going on?

10th October 2017, 22:13
I dont know wether im supposed to read your sentence normally or backwards, both ways make equal amounts of sense to me.

20th October 2017, 18:38
I dont know wether im supposed to read your sentence normally or backwards, both ways make equal amounts of sense to me.


Edit by kung: please use image upload in forum, those shitty sites delete the images once they bring no ad revenue anymore.

kung foo man
21st October 2017, 09:03
There are some mappers who are trying to protect their maps from stealing by wrapping all spawns in a script_brushmodel (so players cant move), and the map script (maps/mp/mp_yourmapname.gsc) is then deleting the script_brushmodel, so look into the .gsc and show its contents, should be easily to "fix" the code